Monday 21 November 2011

Cold and Fall

November 17, 2011
Here’s some stuff I decided to write. The first is from a morning where I felt poetic and wanted to write something while I was in the shower. The other was something that I quickly thought of when Ela asked me what she should write for her card for her host mother when she was in Connecticut. She didn’t end up using it because it seems like it’s for old people.
Los minutos de un día son como la arena. Utilice cada grano cuando construye el castillo que es su vida.
As time goes on, each wrinkle we gain is a sprinkle of wisdom we've retained. Our minds will remain despite us gaining a frail frame.

November 19, 2011
Pregaming for Thanksgiving. The night before, I go to Fairway to check out it’s awesomeness and boy is it sick. It’s both a regular supermarket as well as a huge Whole Foods. It has a huge food court and a deli area where they just make sandwich and burgers. There’s a section with just barrels of coffee beans and people that bag it up for you. Just a sick sick place.
I try to grab the ingredients to make an apple pie, but I don’t have a pie pan so I leave it for today. I go to Crate and Barrel during the day and start my pie at night. Ela on Skype calls me while she’s drinking with pals over. I try to explain some drinking games as I make my pie.
At night, I end up going into the city for Lydia’s birthday. On the drive there with Bolanos, shit, there’s a reason why people shouldn’t talk politics and religion. If I weren’t his friend, I would have to consider this man insane. Then again, he actually is and I already think that. There are multiple names I give him:
1. Mr. Britanica. We get into a conversation about Christmas and I explain that some people consider it Christmas already by being in the spirit, putting up decorations, and even stores are decorating already. He explains that he doesn’t consider it X-mas and he read how merchants and the markets work on a different timeframe. Despite his wishes, what he thinks doesn’t count. He makes up definitions of words and feels he should decide how things are “correct.” The name comes from how old school Britanica is and how he acts like those bookworms that have no clue how the world operates, but read it in a book, so therefore, it must be.
2. Mr. Grinch. This lunatic thinks that Christmas should not be a national holiday because it’s a Christian based holiday. I explain that it’s a holiday first, but then has a Christian history. How can someone be “against” Christmas? It brings families together and people just love this time of the year. People feel like giving and all the great warm emotions that people have come together. Instead, this scumbag has to be a Grinch. Even worse, the Grinch did it out of greed, but eventually realized what X-mas meant and turned his way. Mr. Eric Grinch just does it out of hate and ignorance. Great, asshole.
3. Busybody PTA mom. He tells me a story about some loser that petitioned a city to not give out X-mas cards to people because it was “religious.” I laugh at this and how he could support a waste of space like that guy. These are people that we need less of in the world, people that have nothing to do, but complain and worry about other people. They can’t better themselves, they just have to make things worse for others and they just want to spend their time on that. Granted, it’s a good thing that Bolanos is too lazy to affect anyone. However, do you think I spend a second of my day worrying about X-mas or religion in this country. Fuck no. This kid? He’s brainstorming and wasting his time worrying about this stuff. What a do nothing.

Anyway, I probably sound like a lunatic myself already. We meet Lydia at Doc Holiday’s and hang out for a bit. Her two cousins eventually meet up with us. I end up texting with Aaron to come out, but he’s busy writing a memo. During the text’s with him, I try to send him a text, “You’re missing out, Lydia’s got the hottest fucking cousin.” Well I was also texting Lydia that night about how we were meeting up. Turns out that with my sneaking texting (I was trying not to be antisocial and still be in conversation while texting), I accidentally sent that to Lydia. Wow, great. Fucking one of the most embarrassing moments of my life.
I discuss it with Bolanos after we split from Lydia and her cousins. It actually wouldn’t be that bad if it was sent to him, because we’d just be talking shit, but it was to Aaron, who wasn’t there, so that just seems like I’m creepy. Also, it would be different if it was her friend, but instead, it’s her cousin. I guess there’s some familial protectiveness that I’m making up that possibly exists between them. In the end, I’m so glad it was Lydia I made this mistake with. She pretty much laughed it off through texts I had with her that night, but fuck, I’m embarrassed as shit.