Wednesday 28 October 2009

October 19, 2009
By the way, this is my new jam.
This vlog is pretty cool. From what I gather, Charles is hanging with Alli, while she’s taking classes in Valencia, Spain (A beauutiifull city by the way). I think they’ve been going out for some amount of years and there’s actually an adorable video of his marriage propsal at some waterfalls in Spain. I know, I’m a mushball. Either way, they plan on making a YouTube video for every single day for a year. Pretty fun following their lives and living in awesome ass hell Spain. I’m jealous. If I did a trip, I would so buy a video camera to do the same.

Dreamtime: You want to hear some crazy dreams that I wrote down after I woke up?
I was running around Russel Gardens in my socks. I was bored so I decided to sneak into people’s houses and walk around just to have fun. I ended up getting caught and pretended I was drunk and lost and then just ran out of the house.
There was a gorilla that had to destroy this big robot. There was some douchebag evil scientist in the robot and the gorilla had to beat the shit out of the robot.
I was part of a biker gang, Sons of Anarchy from TV, and we killed Drake. However, we faked his death as if he got into an accident.

October 20, 2009
“I’m a cheesball, but Gossip Girl strikes chords sometimes: “No matter how old we get, we always need a place called home. Without the people you love most, you can’t help but help feel all alone in the world.”
Pretty much a long day. Not sure how I did on my midterm. My professor was weird as hell. She called me last night from Cleveland at 10:30. No clue how she has my number. She asked about this really insignificant thing that I couldn’t answer. I just apologized and she was like okay, Bye. She also asked if I would have my phone on the next day and that I better show up to class.
Turns out that she’s dealing with the class from Cleveland. She calls one of the students and tries to direct the class from there to get us into our groups for a project. As usual, she’s really confusing and awkward and that comes off through the student. We eventually figure it out ourselves. How silly.
Anyway, loaded up with work. Hopefully a good weekend to deal with it.

October 23, 2009
I try to hang with Will and Jill that I met last week. However, they’re at Webster Hall it’s messed up with getting in so I go to another thing. Derrick is bartending at this bar and Jonah shows up for a bit. It’s a quick night and I had a few beers.

October 24, 2009
I have to wake up at 7:00 to shower and head to Brooklyn to nerd it up. A qualifer where winner gets a trip to San Diego and play the majors for $40,000. I’m set up to do well, but things don’t go too well. My friend gets into the Top 8, but loses in the quarters. Heartbreaker, prizes go up to 24th place ane I get 25th. I could’ve just left instead of putting in the time and missed out on $36 value of prize.
I get back at night. I find out that Chris Q and Candace are at Stout. People are hanging out at Josh’s, but Bolanos tells me at like 11:15 and it takes me a bit to get there and I’m assuming people would be leaving early, so I did’t go. At Stout, we sing Ms. Jackson, Single Ladies, and Whole Lotta Love. At one point, the bar offers up free shots for the table. It was three of us and this one friend and some other people that we met at the bar. The friend is sitting at the end of the table and swoops in for the shot. I randomly stand there and realize that I’m the only one that doesn’t get a shot, oh fuck that shit yo.

October 26, 2009
So basically the woman smacked me with information last night that I needed ot leave because of dumb reasons. I just say Okay and ask my mom if she knew about this. She didn’t. The tenant is a friend of a friend. It sorta hits me hard for the obvious reasons, but I try not to think about it. The same goes for during the day.
At night, I awkwardly have to tip toe into the house. I try to clean the bathroom because that’s one of the things she complained about. I keep things clean and I guess if I have to take up maid service to do more than that, sure. I even did cleaning last week. During it, she stops me and rudely asks “Hello?!” instead of even saying my name. She asks what I’m doing. I tell her that because she had issues, I’m trying to clean up. She says she doesn’t want me to and that it’s “insulting” and has not changed her mind that she needs me gone.
It’s still hitting me hard, but I don’t have to think of it as my fault. I’m a person that sticks to themselves in my room and I don’t make any noise. I don’t do anything to bother anyone or go into the living room and I’m barely in the kitchen, only a few minutes at a time to heat up food. She bitched at me crazy for once leaving a few kitchen cabinet doors open or leaving a pot cover out. Sorry about two little mistakes. I really apologized and they were little things that slipped my head. It’s not like I left the kitchen a mess with dishes in the sink. Basically, the woman is crazy so I shouldn’t let it bother me like I did stuff wrong.
I speak to my mom and she says she can move me out on Thursday. However, it does hit me how life is going to work now. I’m going to have to probably wake up 8-9:00 on Mon/Tues/Thurs for my 11:00 Spanish class. Mon-Thurs, I won’t be leaving campus until 6:15 or 7:35, which means I’m getting back at night night.
Also, social life is balls now. Usually, I can just figure stuff out and just walk out or take a quick subway. Now I have to plan it hours and hours in advance. I’ll have to take the 20 minute walk to the train and be on that train and the subway. The way back will be a hassle with the same trip back, which takes a good almost 2 hours.
I get a call from my mom that someone has a place in the Lower East Side and that I can maybe stay there for the rest of the semester. I call this person and I have to check out the place on Wednesday and find out if it will work out. Hopefully I will be moving in this weekend so that I won’t be commuting. Also, I’m really fucking excited if I end up moving there because it’s a really awesome area and I’ve always really wanted to explore it. I guess I’ll have to see how things go when I check out the place.
At night, I really don’t want to deal with this shit. I speak to Katie for a bit and go to get some food outside because I want to be out in the open around this fuckin’ crazy bitch and her family who’s visiting.
I find out that she sent my mom an email of my room when I wasn’t there. Seriously, my jeans on the floor, my notes on the ground, and I use the dresser top to store some folded clothes? Seriously? Either way, I can clean up the room and will leave it in pristine condition when I leave. And seriously, she makes it seem like we owe her money for the endevour from the email she sent to my mom and my mom forwarded to me. That’s hilarious. My mom paid the whole semester up front so we’re getting half the money back. Stupid bitch. If no, small claims court here we’re coming fucker.

October 28, 2009
It’s a rainy nasty day, but I have to check out the apartment in the Lower East Side at 12:00. I sleep at 3:00 since I can wake up late. Instead, the lady wakes me up at 8:30 screaming that painters are going to be here in 30 minutes to paint the entire apartment. This is different from me hearing that it’s supposed to be tomorrow. I’m fucking exhausted and I have to completely move everything in the room so that it’s away from the wall. Jesus Christ, so tiring. Then I find out and the painters aren’t coming. That’s enough. I can’t deal with this stress, especially being so tired so I leave for campus to just sit around.
Anyway, a long day and I find out at night that I probably will be commuting. I can’t move into the new apartment for a few days. I’d have to move home, then move into the city, and then only stay there for a month and a half. The commute won’t be too bad and I guess I’ll just have to deal with this all.
For the whole day, I had my feet wet because it was raning real bad and I had to walk all over. I didn’t want to go back to the apartment to change sox. I had two egg roll sandwiches for breakfast because they always help a shit mood. I fight not passing out at the library and get my homework for the week done. After my class, I get back this shit place for my last night because I’m moving out after my classes tomorrow. Meh, hopefully Great Neck won’t be too bad. Can’t wait for this weekend to start already so I can not deal with this BS.

Saturday 17 October 2009

The Beast is OUT

October 15, 2009
Fuck this city man. It’s been a nice 60s. Then it’s been recently dropping to the 50s. Then now we’ve randomly hit 40 and heavy rain with a wind chill of 34. This shit is way rough. Walking around campus is balls. The diet is killer. Still rocking the diet with an apple for breakfast walking to class and then brown rice and veggies/chicken breast for lunch. Classes are okay. Atron and CNF should be in the city tomorrow, so I have to plan that soon.
Surprise! I spoke to Jenn! I forgot that she actually is taking a break in Korea for a semester. She seems to be really enjoying Korea and is planning to get back in January to continue at school. The time difference is rough, but we’ll see if I catch up with her more. She was apparently having sleep issues at 3-4:00AM her time…

October 16, 2009
I wake up and get some work done. I figure stuff with CNF and Atron because we’re gonna be crazy tonight. Tom is over at CNF’s and we plan to meet for dinner. Atron gets into the city by 8:30. For me, I can’t figure an outfit so I end up having to meet them by 9:30 after taking the NYU down to St. Marks area. They’re done eating by then and I need dinner so I go to Two Boots. $1 pizza and I remove the cheese. Basically two big pieces of bread. Perfect food for a night of drinking. We first go to Ace Bar, which is pretty empty since it’s 10:00ish. We really start the night early.
We play skee ball and loser pays for the game. For a dollar, we play a bunch of games, but I give up after one since I suck at it compared to CNF and Josh. I immediately grab a beer. Then another beer and also one for Atron. Then while waiting, it’s cheap for a PBR pint, so I get two more beers and chug away to get a good drunk going. We stay there for a while until 11:00ish and get the group moving to Superdive. Unfortunately, it’s a “private party” for the bar. Screw that. We would around for a while waiting for Candace, Jonah, and Kerri to cab over from the Sunset Rubdown concert. I try to bring people over to Sidebar, but it’s too far west and we stop to go the Blind Pig, which is a dive/sports bar on the way. We congratulate Atron for him hitting his goal on the LSAT.
Atron and I go out for a cigarette. Atron being Atron sparks up a random conversation with this group of people about grain alcohol. Skeevy as hell, the girl runs across the street to pick up a liquor store bag (black with stripes) from under a car. Apparnetly she hid it there. Wow, that’s skeevs to the balls. We get introduced to Jill and Will and talk around the usual. How old, where you from, where you live, yadda yadda.
Jill and Will go to Beauty Bar next door. Atron decides to go back with the group, while drunk Darwin is ready for fun new experiences so I follow them along. It’s her friend Melissa’s birthday. The bar is pretty cool with a dancefloor in the back. We get some dancing done, but big Will is quite drunk and gets us kicked out. Will is a package of drunken gayness. He picked up both Atron and I. There was also some big gay bear hugs involved. Messy times. We get him some water and then we leave. We go outside and look again for the liquor. Apparently Jill hid it somewhere else under a car. We find it and we go to Nathan’s and I’m still dieting so I grab a hot dog. We meet up with some of their friends. We walk around to somewhere and then I lose them. I give Jill a call and they’re cabbing it home so I stumble home at 2:15ish. A fun night.

October 17, 2009
Don’t know why I stayed up until 4:00AM drinking water. I sleep all the way until 2:30ish. I don’t know why. Guess I’m tired and get woken up when Katie texts me that she’s at the MSU Football game. I catch some of that until I decide to go to the nearby Jess’ Bakery to get curry noodles with chicken, beef, and shrimp. Nom nom. Lets see what tonight brings along now.
I end up pregaming like a beast. Everyone’s hanging out already and I have a really hard time trying to find where the guys are. I can’t find it and end up walking around a looottt. I speak to Bowen on the phone about some films. By the time I get to the bar in the East Village, I’m pretty shwasted and I didn’t have a big dinner. I go to a place for $1 pizza. I take off the cheese and just eat “bread” like last night. I go through three thin slices. At Hi Fi, Tom, Jonah, Josh, Spamps, Stefan, CNF, and Caroline are there. Stefan, Caroline, and Spamps leave pretty early. I go through two beers there. Atron is nowhere to be found. We go into this “reserved room” area to hang and sit down. Turns out that no one actually has it reserved and we take it. It’s a pretty decent bar.
I finally get in touch with Atron and he’s at Mars Bar. We’re at Crif Dogs and I simply say Goodbye to the guys and go for a run. On the walk to Crif Dogs, some guy in a cab asks for directions or something. I try to help and he’s rude like he doesn’t need no help from me. I give him the finger and he gets offended. He can go fuck himself. Idiot. It’s seven blocks down and two blocks over. I run there by 1:00 to meet Annie, Brian, and his friend. I haven’t seen those two in a while and I say Hi. We leave Mars Bar and try to get into Von, which is a clubbish place. Atron is drunk and forgets his birthday when he gets asked by the bouncer. Atron and I split with the others and we go to Sophie’s. I get a Sicilian slice when Atron gets pizza. Boy, that’s my fourth slice for the day and sixth slice of the weekend. Jeez, that’s a lot of pizza dinner business. Then again, I can treat myself for this weekend after all the dieting and working out that’s been done.
Atron and I hang out at Sophie’s for a while and Jonah and Josh come over. Apparently I cockblocked Atron in my drunken mess and I didn’t notice. Atron eventually takes the train back. We meet up with some of Josh’s friends and we head over to his dorm since he goes to NYU. People smoke some weed. I drink some beer. I actually Swifer his floor for him for some reason. It gets 4:00ish and I’m like dude, I should go home. I take that long stumble home. I get back and drink myself the mad water and somehow I stay up until 7AM. Jeez. That was quite a weekend.

Monday 12 October 2009

The Computer is BACK!

October 7, 2009
I try to get some snoozing going even though my alarm clock is set for 12:05 because I only have a 6:20 class tonight. Right before my alarm for 12:45 rings, I get a call from Corinne and catch up with her. I then procrastinate a load while watching Top Chef All Stars while working on a bowl of Special K Protein Plus with skim milk. I finally picking myself up to go to campus by 2:30 because I have my board meeting for the ACLU club.
After the meeting, I sit around in the library. I then get a call from Tekserve that my Macbook is finally done! Huzzah!!! Yess!! Jubilation! Yes!!
Part of this might be the angry email that I sent out and they responded that they would expedite the process and contact me today. At least it was with the final product. Then again, they had to replace the whole keyboard, trackpad, top cover thing. That’s another $140 and they didn’t even ask for permission, but what the fuck. Worst $400+ mistake ever made, but what the hell, it’s over and it will NOT happen again. This was a fuckin’ horrible experience.
I run to take the bus to 23rd. I then go all the way west to Tekserve. I grab a ticket and pay for the top cover. Then I decide that I need to get to my 6:20 class. It’s 6:10 and I need to get from 23rd and 6th to 4th and Broadway. That’s quite a while, but it only takes me 20 minutes getting there. I speed walk like a crazy person with people giving me weird looks, but at least I get to class only 10 minutes late, but sweaty as a fat man.
After class, it’s nice to go home and have my laptop. At night, I go with Evan to Karthik’s apartment and we watch South Park. We both take mad shots of tequila and I get a bit buzzed/drunk and then walk back with Evan pretty early.

October 8, 2009
I wake up and run over to Spanish class while eating two rice cakes. During Spanish, I make sure that I participate with ask some awesome questions. A lot of my classes are something like 20% attendance and participation. Think of it this way, “raise your hand, get +1 bonus points on your next test (even if you’re wrong), maybe another point if you get something right or say something very smart.” The math actually works pretty well like that.
I get back home and catch up with Corinne. Apparently she forgot my birthday and was really disappointed that she did so and that I didn’t mention it. Apparently she’s free next weekend and will drop by New York. Gonna be awesome.
I then go to the supermarket. Six pack of Sierra Nevada Anniversary Ale. Some rice cakes for breakfast. Some Wheat Thins and hummus. Baby carrots. Chicken breast and other ingredients for my cooking. Some diet soda for my drinking.
I get home and have a beer while cooking. Cook some brown rice. Dice up chicken breast and season with salt, pepper, spicy seasoning, and Szechuan hot pepper sauce. Cook that over oil. Remove chicken. Then cook garlic and mirepoix (French for onion, celery, and carrots) with some oil. It deglazes the pot really well of the seasoning and chicken remnants. After cooking that a bit, then add spinach. Throw in chicken. It turns out a bit too spicy, but I water a bit down. It’ll stay for a week. Good stuff. Brown rice, veg, and low fat chicken breast (shit literally has no fat). Done deal.
After slacking off a bit, I go to class. Afterwards, I go to the warehouse liquor story near NYU and grab a plastic handle of whiskey. At night, I sit around writing the blog and random stuff. I find out from Candace that they’re hanging out in Time Square at a bar. At 11:00ish, I head out to there. I get there and Chris Q, Candace, Theresa, and some others are there. It’s $6 beers there, which sucks. I only have 2. I end up singing It’s Not Unusual by Tom Jones. There’s singing, hanging out, and just good times. They try to get me to do the Single Ladies again, but I’m not drunk enough for that and I half ass it.
People are pretty darn drunk and we walk over to the 53rd and 6th Halal cart. It’s the “best” halal in the city. We hang out there sitting around for too long, while Candace had a bit too much and I hang with Theresa for most of the night. I end up getting by 4:00ish, not before shooting a call over to Bolanos and buying a 99 cent Arizona from the store.

October 9, 2009
I wake up to immediately walk over to this Thai place near me. It’s recommended from Yelp and I’m so hungry because I didn’t eat before I went to sleep last night. I get a lot of work done so that my weekend won’t be as bad. I don’t really do much for the day other than sitting at the computer and stuff.
At night, Josh and Jonah had dinner and whatnot and I end up meeting with them late. We go to Superdive, one of my new fav places for its college town atmosphere. We hang there for a bit until Josh says he wants to go and we leave. It’s a pretty chill night and fun to get out at least.

October 10, 2009
I nerd it up during the day and make a bit of money out of it.
Scott’s supposed to be coming into the city today. I try to coordinate things with Evan, but they go there immediately after pregaming at Evan’s and I have to go myself and meet them there.
I guess it’s not too bad because I pregame on Stickam and hang with Ela. We’ve been speaking a decent amount these days. Pregaming with some fun pop music, it’s good.
It’s a real bitch to get there because it’s in Chelsea on the West Side. This place better be darn with it because I have to take the 6 train down and then the L going west. It’s really annoying to find and it’s actually “in” a parking garage. I get there and turns out that Alon and Avi are in too. Wow, that’s pretty cool. Kerri and Jonah are there. Evan is darn drunk already. The place is pretty empty and I’m not really sure why we went all the way to the west side for this.
It’s on the water, but still, we’re the only ones outside. And it’s a bit chilly. And it’s empty there pretty much with no people or even ladies. It’s a weird system to get a beer and I need to use Scott’s paper thing to get a beer. I pregamed pretty well so I get darn drunk. We end up leaving because Avi says that we should go to Pomme Frites, that’s a good idea. That place sucked and I don’t know why we went all the way out there for that BS. It’s so annoying taking so many trains, so we take a cab. With four people, it’s def worth it. It saves so much time and turns out to cost cheaper than the MTA a lot of the time.
We get out there and then see that the line is so ridiculous there. I bring Avi over to Crif Dogs because he’s never been there. The other guys find their own food or something. I mention PDT, which I still really want to go to. Avi needs to use the bathroom and we actually walk into this really awesome restaurant. Turns out that it’s called the Yaffa Café. Awesome décor.
We meet up with the guys and stand around for a bit. Then we part ways because they have to go back to Great Neck and catch that 3:19. I hang out with Jonah while he grabs some Crif Dogs. I’m a super good boy and don’t eat any of that late night food. This diet thing is sick yo. I’m killing this shit. I get back home, drink loads of water, and go to sleep by 4-5:00.

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Day 10

October 6, 2009
Even after sleeping at 12:15, I didn't sleep well and feel pretty out of it. Spanish class is the usual boring meh. After class, I call Tekserve and he speaks to the guy and says that the technician is still working on my laptop. I find out that the guy gets off at 6 so I should really call before that to at least get an update how things are going. The guy on the phone did recognize that this is taking especially longer. I'm not letting the guy not speak to me today and waiting another day while he gets to work on it tomorrow.
I get a flatbread sandwich at Subway and then go the library. The flatbread is actually pretty good and I think I would prefer getting that over their other six inch hero breads. Instead of taking out a laptop and dealing with finding somewhere to use it and such, I just use one of the computer lab desktops. There's someone else waiting for it and I stand behind her. Then, a guy just random slips in and takes a computer immediately as someone is speaking. Right before he sits down, he sees me. From across the room, I give him the dirtiest stare I've ever given. This is a tired, not in a good mood day and I don't need this fuckin' shit man. I look like I'm going to stab his heart out and then eat his babies. He's quickly done and gives me a motion to "Go ahead, my bad bro."
I then go to my Democratic Theory class. During the break, I get one of those really big Red Bulls, but obvs the no sugar one. I also realize that I probably should participate more. People do talk about really stupid stuff and it again is free points that I'm not picking up on. After the class, I run into Evan and we walk over the our next classes, which is in the same building. We have a speaker in for my Constitution and Minorities class. Basically this guy was a green card holder and commited a drug crime. He tried to submit for citizenship while in jail, but there were complications. In 1996, a law is passed that immigrants, even if they are documented, that have been charged with certain crimes are allowed to have mandatory deportation with court hearing. It's a bit of a sob story because they guy has been here for decades, has an American citizen wife, and four American citizen children born here and that he might be deported on Friday because he has ran out of options and his mandatory deportation should still be going through.
Immediately after my class, I call Tekserve. I finally get an update from the representative while the technician has left for the day. After a week and a half, the guy has open my computer, clean off the parts, and now they're set up to be put into the dryer. So after they're dried, then the computer will be tested. So after all this time, I still don't know if I need replacement parts. I really hope I don't because that will take even looongger to fix. I hope to find somewhere else that can do that. Their customer service is bad and they give attitude. I also read from reviews that they overchrage for their parts and replacing them. They're testing my fuckin' nerves over here. After getting off from the phone with them and giving them a shit attitude back, I go to the library to write them a mean letter.
I still have an hour to hang out in the library here until my ACLU meeting at 8:00. I can't wait for it because I'm really starved and can't wait for that Thai food that's planned to be ordered. Awesomes! Ugh, afterwards though, I guess I'm going back to the library. Another day, another night of this shit.
The meeting isn't bad. Not too many people show up and we watch a video on your constitutional rights when dealing with the police. It's actually really informative and I really suggest you people watch it. It can be corny at time, but it really gives you knowledge on how not to get caught for stuff when you really can avoid because the police are intruding on your rights.
The meeting also has pad thai and other really greasy Thai food. I was good today with an apple and a subway sandwich, which is under 500 calories. However, I'm treating myself for dinner at least.
After the meeting, I decide to call it a day and immediately go back. I get some cleaning done and work on some Spanish before calling it a night. Even though I stay up watching TV until 2:30... I guess the Military channel and Food Network are too interesting for me.

Monday 5 October 2009

Day 8+9

October 4, 2009
I call Tekserve in the morning. It turns out that the technician working on my computer doesn't work weekends. They didn't tell me that during the week when I called. I guess I'll have to wait another day to get an answer or even an update on my laptop. Jeez, that's another day.
I have some leftover hummus for breakfast and go to the library. It's really crowded because people want to work on Sundays. I hang around there all day and get a little bit of work done. I try to catch the bus, but it's running at 9:00 and it's 8:30 so I decide to walk back.
On the way back, I hope to find something open. Unfortunately, Baoguette and Latin Thing are closed. Even Subway. I'm stuck with going to Popeye's Chicken. Instead of getting some greasy ass chicken, I go for their chicken "rice bowl," which seems somewhat healthy. I bring it back home to find out that it's actually an unnoticeable amount of rice, some chicken, and a lot of glop smothered all over. I can only assume that it's cheese dip and goopy mashed potato. How appealing. Whatever, I'm starving so I eat it and it's actually really filling.
I talk on the phone with Katie and then catch up with Corinne. Watch some more homework and get a week ahead on my Spanish homework because there's nothing else to do. While watching some Mad Men, I get my work out done. Probably not the best idea to being working out at 11:00PM, but I get my five sets of pushups, four sets of curls, and three sets of situps out of the way.

October 5, 2009
I wake up at 9:45 after barely sleeping all night. Don't know why, but it's a bit rough. I grab my salad for lunch, my apple for the walk to the bus, and the water. During my Spanish class, I get way sleepy and want to go home and sleep. I run into Evan and we chat for a bit. I call Tekserve and don't get an answer from them. Then again, it's only 12:00ish and hopefully they will end up calling me later. I walk over to Au Bou Pan and realize that they're pretty much a rip off and why don't I go over to the deli and get some decent dized gourmet sandwiches for the same price.
However, I'm super tired and hungry from only having an apple so I decide to bump it up and go to Subway for a $5 foot long. I get their new buffalo chicken. I only have half. I can't imagine eating that whole thing without being in pain from stuffing myself. That's a good snack/semi-dinner for later. I go to the library and take out a Macbook. After a while, I start crashing and want to go back to take a nap. Even though I have ample time before my 6:20 class, the hassle just isn't worth it. With waiting for the bus and the ride back, it takes almost 30 minutes each way. That's an hour of traveling and wasted time and I decide to fight through it. This shows another way that the lack of laptop is screwing me up. Usually I would be home and have food in the house to eat, then nap, then homework and class.
Now, it's completely out of wack. Can't sit here complaining all day though and not be productive. Gotta make lemonade outta lemons. Gotta make the most of the resources that you have. Katie gives me a call in the middle of the day. I'll probably have to go down soon to renew this Macbook because there's a three hour limit on taking them out. I'll hopefully get some reading done and then make it to my Constitution class. I'll be mad tired after that and still in the library though...
After getting my Constitution reading done for week, which involves Googling about 10+ cases and reading their summaries on Oyez and Wikipedia. I write notes for them too because this way I don't just forget what I read and I actually have something physical. Also, Google Docs is a life saver by being my pseudo external while I shift between the Macbooks that I use throughout the day. They probably recognize me by now because I take out 2-3 laptops throughout the day.
My Constitution class is good as usual and goes through really high level stuff. I'm constantly surprised by the amount of extremely advanced and smart individuals in the class that can answer the complex high level questions he dishes out.
After class, I immediately call Tekserve hoping that I can get my computer back already or at least have an answer. I end up getting "Oh the guy left." So basically I was expecting some kind of news today and they put a notice into him twice for them to contact me. None of that.
The guy put in another notice and hopefully I will get a call tomorrow. Sucks that I'll be busy in class most of the day, but as long as I hear back with some decent news, otherwise I'm writing a mean ass letter. I was supposed to hear something last Wednesday or Thursday. And what kind of dumb system works so that only one technician works on it so that it can be ignored for an entire weekend because he doesn't work during weekends? How stupid.
Anyway, I go to the library pretty dejected. I guess it's a mix of me being tired, hungry, and it being night. It's pitch black and I'm still walking into the library. Sigh. I finish the rest of my buffalo chicken Subway sandwich with some Baked Lays. I actually look it up and find out that the $5 foot long I got is 780 calories and that probably doesn't include the light dressing I got on there. Granted, that's my lunch and dinner, but I did snack a bit today. I had a salad, though the only calories were the light dressing and Weight Watchers cheese. I did have a few Wheat Thin crackers, which aren't bad. With my apple for breakfast, I guess I'm staying pretty much on track for the DailyPlate recommendation says that I should be eating 1,355 calories a day if I want to lose 1.5 lbs a week. I still have probably over five more pounds to go so I want to hope to drop it down less calories than that with more exercise to get some real action going.
Anyway, I'm darn exhausted and really should go home to get some sleep or something. I know I want to do LSAT work when I get back, but my brain is so fried and tired.

Saturday 3 October 2009

Day 6+7

October 2, 2009
Last night, I had a few drinks because shit gets super boring without the computer. TV only gets you so far. In the afternoon, I go to my mom's office in Midtown. On the way, I go to Latin Thing and get a roast pork sandwich with the works. It's so good. At my mom's, I pick up my new license without the "Under 21" and a card that Nikki sent to me through the mail. She mentions that I smell of alcohol. Sam mentioned that yesterday and today my mom. I'm such a classy guy.
I sit around on campus for a while and then go back at night. The usual routine. I've been in the library way too much these days. Katie's going up to visit her family so we speak on the phone while she's driving up.
At night, I crack into my tequila and have some of that with Lo Carb Monster. I meet up with Josh and Jonah at Cheap Shots. I guess I should've been eaten something before going out. I get super trashed with the few beers that I have at the bar. I'm a fuckin' mess trying to get back and Jonah and Josh help me walk back. I end up falling on a storm drain and getting a bit wet. When I get back, I lay down on my air bed, which is literally 6 inches off the ground. Somehow in my drunken mess, I roll onto the ground and break my glasses frames. Meh, I'll be stuck with my geekyass old glasses for those who remember those.

October 3, 2009
Shit is such a mess. I wake up feeling like crap. My lip is swollen as if someone had punched me real bad. I don't even know where I get the wound. I guess it might've been when I fell onto the storm drain or fell over in the apartment. Shit's so rough. I'm sick and hungover as balls. Drunkeness caused by laptop water spill. I broke my frames because of it. My lip is swollen and huge because of it. I really need to slow down.
I get a huge burrito at Latin Thing and go to campus. I sit around being unproductive because it's just one of those days. I spoke to Tekserve and they still are working on stuff. Luckily, I find the same frames on eBay from the same seller and they only cost $11 with shipping. Good thing the lenses are fine and I'll just have to have the lenses swapped out for the new frames.
Anyway, I'm just sitting around on campus feeling so hungover and tired that it's ridiculous. I don't know what I'll be doing tonight. I really hope I get a call tomorrow to pick up the laptop without the need to replace parts. Week of my 21st and shit this week has been bad.
At night, I decide to slow things down and not have a night of drinking. Bolanos is in AC makin' some monies. The hangover is still bothering me so I have two drinks of tequila and it smooths the edge off.
By 12:00, I meet up with Jonah to grab a bite. We go to Momofuku Noodle Bar. It's a pretty good late night snack. Afterwards, we walk around and he tells me about Superdive, which is an interesting place. It's a bar that is as close as you can get to a college frat party in New York City. We hang there for a beer. We then go walk around the East Village and Jonah stops for a taco.
It has a lot of people waiting on line and a drunken girl slurs about the line asking, "Does this place at falafel?!" Surely the line of the night. We part ways shortly after that.
I get home by 3:30 and go to sleep.

Thursday 1 October 2009

Day 5

October 1, 2009
I wake up before 10:00. I shower and grab two rice cakes, then off to the bus. At Spanish, it turns out that I get an 85 on my Spanish test. Turns out that the average was 84. Fuck that shit yo. All the stupid class does is drop my GPA. It can go fuck itself.
After my class, I meet up with Evan and Josh to go to Baoguette for lunch. The sticky rice with chicken breast and Chinese sausage is so good. Yelped that. Then, we walk over to Papyrus to help Evan look for his card for Sam for their One Year Anniversary. Congrats to them.
We meet up with Sam, who's on campus. She asks if anyone drank because someone smells like alcohol. That's me from last night dammit. Nice nice. She talks about how she'll be really disappointed if she doesn't get the card that she noticed at Papyrus. Lol, that's only to set up disappointment. Later that day Facebook, it turns out Evan didn't get the one that she wanted. She links it to me. Evan and I noticed it, but we didn't like it. I think she definitely got one of the best ones. I got a good eye for that shit yo.
I sit around on campus for a bit and then go to my Constitution and Minorities class. It's a bit boring and I'm tired/hung over from last night. It's my last class for the week and it would nice to go immediately home. I call Tekserve and they said they're still working on it. I won't find out any news or if they need to replace parts until Friday or Saturday. Damn, that's bullshit. I was supposed to find out news yesterday or today.
So now I'm hanging in the library until I need to go home. Maybe for some dinner. Maybe to crack some of that loads of liquor that I got. I gotta get this laptop back soon. This weekend is going to be super killer already. I'll have to wake up and immediately run onto campus, which is just silly. Meh, at least less people will be in the library then. This shit is so messing up my flow. Hate it.

Day 4

September 30, 2009
My mom wakes me up at 9:30 to say Happy Birthday, but I go back to sleep until 12:30. I get up and immediately go to the supermarket to get something to drink. I get a pint of 8.5% alcohol beer. Without breakfast, I finish that pretty quickly until my 3:30 meeting for the ACLU meeting to speak about some random stuff. I was pretty drunk earlier for the bus ride down to campus, but I'm only buzzed by the meeting. After the meeting, I go to the deli to get a pesto chicken, roasted peppers, sundried tomatoes, and Swiss on a kaiser roll. It's pretty filling, but I should definitely eat something before going to Cheap Shots tonight. I still have a 6:20 class. I'll probably go to home right after that, grab a bite, and then shoot over to Cheap Shots because it's free days for the birthday boy.
Birthday time is pretty awesome. Vanessa got me a loads of liquor. Evan pushes me to keep drinking at Cheap Shots. After 15 minutes, I go through a whiskey shot, a Yuengling, a McSorely's Pale Ale, and four shots of rum. Throughout the night, I go through four more drinks.
Josh, Candace, her sister Kimberly, and Jonah show up too. It gets blurry at around 8-9 drinks. We go to Momofuku Milk Bar at one point and I remember trying some cake. Vanessa gives me a ride back, which is nice instead of having to stumble home.
I don't actually remember what time I got back and actually throw up a little bit and then pass out for class tomorrow.