Tuesday 26 May 2009

Kantro Graduation Party

May 20, 2009
It’s Wednesday and I’ve been home since Thursday. Nothing big been happening with the group. Been hanging in Spamps’ basement and playing Rock Band a bit with Kenny and Bolanos. I saw Miah one night, but he has issues about papers that he has to do.
Work has gotten be real tired since the others don’t have work and I get to sleep past 3:00 for work at 9:30. This weekend hopefully should be fun because there’s the Kantrowitz graduation party over at his house.

May 22, 2009
It’s been a week of sobriety, so it’s a good night to be drinking. A few of us go to Scott’s place and I feel like a generous man and get some beer for them kids. Bolanos and I go for a run. I get a 6 pack of Hoegarrden, Guinness Extra Stout, and a 22 of Olde E. After finishing that, I want more, so I get a Molson XXX during the ride back from Wendy’s. After drinking that, I’m darn way fucking drunk and have a bit of hungover for the next day.

May 23, 2009
It’s the Kantrowitz graduation party. All three brothers are graduating from their respective school/programs. Basically everyone’s there of the group. I get there at 6:00 with Spamps. It’s lots of family there. It’s great chilling with all the people. Josh, Scott, and Evan get there drunk because they pregamed at Josh’s. Evan’s by far the most drunk. He’s way jovial and out of it for the next few hours. However, we find out that they had to get dropped off so they threw gin and tonic into the bushes on CNF’s property. That’s just not class. Atron and I move it to Elyse’s friend’s car.
I work on a few beers. Howard, Jon’s dad, gives a great speech about Elena, the three brothers, their mother. It’s really sweet and rough seeing him get all choked up. I get a bit choked up too and people think that means I’m crying. There was no crying!
Anyway, we go to Scott’s place. I get a great drunk on with the Heineken keg can. Later in the night, Kenny, Alon, Spamps, Caroline and Miah end up leaving. The rest of us sit around in the basement until we leave. I don’t remember the time, but it was late.

May 25, 2009
It’s Memorial Day and I decide to throw a BBQ at my place since there’s nowhere to have it. We go to Shop N’ Shop, H Mart, and Wal-Mart. I need a gas canister for the grill thing, but none of the places have it. We end up getting a small portable grill. For food, we have chicken breast, ground beef (for burgers), and hot dogs. Lots of people end up showing up, Spamps, Atron, Kenny, Candace, Damien, CNF, Scott, and even Jonah!
Afterwards, some of us end up going to Astoria. Jonah disappears right out of the car. Atron and I get 22s of Colt 45 and with Candace, we go to the sketchy courtyard of the apartment complex in the backstreets of Steinway. People keep calling Jonah, but it’s been an hour and a half and no one knows where he’s been. We sit at warehouse for an hour or so and still no Jonah.
We end up finding him sitting in a bank. Apparently, he left his phone in Candace’s car and didn’t see us before we got to warehouse. I get back by 2:00ish.