Tuesday 29 September 2009

Day 3

September 29, 2009
I get up in the morning, show up to campus early, study a bit for my Spanish test, and take it. I leave super early because it's short. I look over it and I can't really tell how well I did. If I get some things wrong, it'll be a bit of a surprise and I'll be like, "What can I do?" It's when you understand stuff sufficiently and there's only so well that you can expect to do. If you end up getting this and that wrong, you just shrug and let it be.
After that, I go to Hummus Place for a really big platter of hummus and I'm actually left with leftovers because it's so big. My Democracy class isn't bad. We get out early, so I sit on the computer for a bit until my next class. It's the usual Constitution and Minorities class. I'm really surprised by the difference in how smart people are in this class compared to my other Constitution class. In that class, people are way too competent and he's going over extremely advanced things like substance due process, jurisprudences, incorporation, and more. In this class, people seem to have little grasp over Constitutional issues and just don't seem to know as much about politics in general.
It's around 6:00 by the end of the class and I get dinner with Evan at Rino Ceronte. Go read about it on dweez.yelp.com
We sit around at the library afterwards. He said he would go out at 12:00, but he has a 9:30 class tomorrow. I'll be planning to Cheap Shots it up with him and some others tomorrow.
I borrowed the Macbook from the library, but I can only keep it until 9:45 because that's when they close. I'll probably decide to go back home early or something because I don't really have anything to do. Maybe get some laundry done and workout. I haven't worked out for a few days now because I'm never home. Darn, this is getting annoying. I really need my laptop back this week. This weekend will NOT work if I don't get it back.

Monday 28 September 2009

Day 2

September 28, 2009
I wake up at 10:00 to get to my Spanish class. For some reason, I'm in the mood to sing and get Love and Happiness-Al Green stuck in my head. After Spanish class, I'm still not optimistic about the Spanish test tomorrow. It's supposed to be the easiest of five and the professor said to get the highest score on this one so the other harder ones are averaged out. Also, the lowest score is dropped. Man, there is so much work that I'm doing for just this dumb class. It's another semester of doing more work in one class than all three of my politics classes added up. And still, I've gotten B in my last two semesters of Spanish and that simply drops my GPA. Fuckin' ridiculous.
After Spanish, I'm exhausted so I go back home. I make some lunch and then pass out like crazy. I sleep for 2-3 hours until 3:30 and decide to get onto campus. I borrow one of the Dell Latitudes because they're out of Macbooks. I get some work done and BS around for a bit until my Constitution class.
It's annoying not having my laptop for writing notes at ease and surfing around. The class is really interesting at least and it goes by okay. I'm surprised by how complicated the stuff he's teaching. Granted, I've basically "taught" myself this information with reading and looking further into issues that my previous classes brought up. I'll be looking forward to what else he'll be getting into.
Afterwards, I go to dinner with Evan and his friend. We go to the dining hall and Evan gives me a swipe for it. I get a chicken quesadilla with salsa. After that, I go to library to study for Spanish and hang out until night and I have to go back and sleep.

Sunday 27 September 2009

Day 1

September 27, 2009
Well I've been here for almost 7 hours. I've been at this same spot basically. I got up once to get a soda, then to make a call, then to eat a salad, and the bathroom, but that's about it. This chair actually is darn comfy. This is different from last year that I had to do this because instead of a quick 8 minute walk home, now I have to rely on the NYU bus. I really hope that 11:46 bus comes because I really don't want to walk the 24 blocks at this time of the night. Living like this is pretty weird, but at least I'm getting work done. I have loads more work ahead of me, but at least I'm getting stuff done that I need a computer for and then I can do the rest when I get back, sans computer.
Tomorrow will be a similar routine, but I'll try to rent out a laptop instead. Class at 11:00, lunch, stay in library, class at 6:20, stay in library, head home at 11:46 again... I at least hope that they'll be quick about the laptop and surprise me by calling sooner than Wednesday/Thursday. I also realllly hope that there's no need to replace parts. Not only is that expensive, but it also takes time for the parts to come in. I don't know if I can do many days of this. I mean, it wasn't too much water and tried to dry it really quickly. Too bad there wasn't a hair dryer, otherwise I would've tried to use that to dry it. Ugh, warning for all of you, never do that to your laptop. The hassle I'm going through is ballsss. This is going to be weird for me, living homeless almost in a library. Keep reading, I'll keep you guys posted with how it goes. Hm... Wonder what I'll be eating tomorrow for lunch and dinner now that I'm not going to be home ever.

Big Life Change

September 27, 2009
Uh wow, so where do I start? I can talk about last night, but I'll get to that later. The important news is that in a drunken stupor last night, I accidentally spilled water all over my computer. Why was I drinking a large liter cup of water at 3:30AM you ask? Because that's my routine. I drink two liters of water every night after a long night of drinking. It's the best way to make sure that you don't have the hangover the next day. Well, at least not a really bad hangover. You'll still be trapped with dry mouth and the usual symptoms of a hangover usually.
Anyway, back to the story. So immediately after I spill the water, the computer shuts off and won't turn back on. I want to open up the computer and see what I can do so I grab a really thin sharp knife and try to unscrew the computer to open it up. Drunk and using a really sharp knife as a screwdriver while a laptop is held between your thighs? Don't try this at home, you have a professional here. This goes on for a really long time until I realize that I actually have the specific screwdriver for this. I upgraded my RAM last year and had to buy one. I'm just really stupid that I forgot that I had it in the apartment. I try to open the laptop, but give up after a while. I put the laptop away upside down and hope for the best in the morning. I wake up at 11:00 and try again. Grab laptop. Put the finger on the "On" button... Pray... Please please work. The atheist is screaming for God to grant him one thing. And... Nope, nothing. A huge disappointment. The laptop refuses to respond. Now I'm ready to breakdown and cry. What the hell do I do now?
Actually, you people might think I'm being a dramatic, but you just don't know me then. Last year, the other apartment I was staying at did not have Internet or any wireless connections to leech off of. Time Warner took a week to come and install cable. Instead of sitting around in the apartment with nothing to do, I decided to basically live in the NYU Library. I took my laptop, a mouse, headphones, my external hard drive, found a table, and dug in for hours and hours. I would wake up, shower, go to class, get lunch, sit in the library until 2:00AM until I walked home to sleep. Call me a loser. Call me what you will. I'm home at the computer for almost every second of my life if I'm not out hanging out, sleeping, or at class. Yes, eating is done at the computer. TV viewing is done on the computer. Everything.
If you're curious about Bobst Library, I was basically seated at one of these tables. http://lh6.ggpht.com/_aqJb-yMBL_w/Roget67y33I/AAAAAAAAAfc/jilcqcbL_ro/IMG_5120.JPG
So now I hope you can understand what that does to me now. I have to man up and fix this. I call Apple and speak to a representative from India. After much wasted time, I get the three Apple Stores' numbers, which I already had. I called Katie earlier and asked her for the numbers. I find out that I won't get helped by Apple until Tuesday or Wednesday. The guy on the phone suggests TekServe. It's an Apple repair/products store that's independent of Apple. It's actually about 10 blocks away from me so I go there hoping the best. I speak to Jon and Josh on the way there to get some input and advice since they both worked at the Apple Store before.
I get to deal with a representative after a bit of a wait. The final verdict is that it costs $270 for them to open it up and clean it out. I would've done that my I messed up one of the screws and could not get it out. I guess they'll have to deal with that. This also does not include the possibility that they might have to replace certain parts and have to pay for that too. A technician can't look at it until Wednesday or Thursday. So now I just have to hope for the best that it'll be just a simple cleaning without replacement parts, suck it up, and live a few days without my trust Macbook.
Now I'm in the regroup mood. I have to do the best that I can with my life now. I get to the apartment and decide that I will again be living in the library. I'll have to use one of the computers in My schedule was on the computer, so I write down what I have to do for classes and everything. I make myself a salad so I have a dinner in the library. I gather my notes, papers, and books. I even bring along my iPod cord so I can charge it on their computers.
I call Bolanos and catch up with him. He reminds me that I had a 27 minute call with him last night. I don't really know what he's talking about until he reminds me that I shouted at some girls last night. We will continue with last night soon, but boy does that mean I was messed up if I barely remember that call. I speak to Jonah that reminds me of an Indian place that I've been planning to try out for a while. I haven't eaten since I woke up beacuse of this bullshit business. I catch up with Aaron while I take the NYU bus to campus. I walk over to the Indian place, Aamchi Pao. On the way, I tell Atron about my diet that's been going really well. Dropping the pounds. I speak super loud with my New York accent to just piss people off. It's so good. Read about the experience on my review. I'm a Yelp Elite bitches! dweez.yelp.com
Then I go to the library, find a computer, and here I am. I found a computer and decided that I really needed to get this situation down on "paper" for your entertainment. I also see that the library lends out laptops. You have to stay in the library with it and has to be renewed or returned every 3 hours, but it can be better than a desktop. We'll see how that works out. My 21st Birthday is in 3 days. This will be quite an experience for me. It's almost like an experiment with my life. I'm planning to be super productive because I won't be chillin' at home. Wish me luck kids.
Xoxo, Darwin

September 26, 2009
So I didn't go out Thursday or Friday nights. I nerded it up during the day. At night, the plan is to go to Stout. I show up and immediately sign up for a song with Candace. We do Pokerface, which was meh. I pregamed so I wouldn't have to buy too many overpriced beers at Stout. Kerri, Jonah, and Chris Q are there too. When Single Ladies is up, people jump under the spotlight. I'm pretty drunk so I do the same and show off the few moves that I know of the Single Ladies dance. That really should've been recorded for YouTube. Even the DJ complimented by dancing. Fuck yea. We leave before I can do another song. Darn, I was looking forward to My Sharona (one of my favorite songs) and Ace of Base-The Sign.
On the walk back, I give Bolanos a call that I'm reminded of the next day. Apparently I was a mess and said "Fuck You" a bunch of times to him for no reason. I also remember stupid and saying "Hey ladies!" in a creepy voice to two girls that I walk by. I hang on the computer drinking water... You know what happened next...

Monday 21 September 2009

Starting the Semester out Hard

September 11, 2009
I didn’t go out last night. There was some club thing, but only Candace was going, I found out late, and it was a cover charge club. I decided to be a good boy. Today, there’s a J-Cole show, which is the first artist signed onto Jay-Zs new label. It turns out that the show sold out early, but I can still get them at the venue when the show starts apparently.
I go to meet up with Jonah and Evan near NYU before 8:00. Before I walk down there, I take three shots of vodka and talk to Atron about law school and LSATs on the walk down. When I meet up with Evan and Jonah, we go to the Warehouse liquor store. We don’t want to get a whole bottle. Instead, we see in the “deal box” that there’s two plastic bottles of pineapple Malibu for $9. That’s a really good deal because it usually should cost $9 for just one.
We go to the store and get Diet Coke. I also get a bagel with veggie cream cheese because I hadn’t eaten dinner. We go to Jonah’s dorm and pregame. We end up going there late, past 9:00, but the show starts late too. Jonah and I are able to get tickets at the venue, an NYU building, for $10 with no problem. At the show, the lack of sleep and liquor hits me a bit and I doze off for a bit during the beginning acts. I don’t really fall asleep, but I have my eyes closed and I’m sorta out of it.
Afterwards, I sober up and watch the show, which is a bit tame because it’s an NYU building. Jonah plans on going downtown to hang out with Candace whereas Evan and I go to the bar afterparty for the concert that’s supposed to have an awesome drink deal. Evan and I walk all the way over to 14th and he says that the crowd is old so we walk down to almost the West Village for a place he was texted about. Then he finds out that the place is dead. He then gets pizza and it’s so much walking. I decide to go meet Candace and Jonah and it’s hitting 1:00ish.
I stop off at Evan’s dorm for a piss, which again was a walk. I then have to walk down to the Lower East Side to the bar. Dude, I’ve been walking way too much! I finally get to LES and find Candace and Jonah standing outside. The line is pretty long, but it moves along at a decent pace. About half way through, Candace says that people are leaving. I end up going back home. A slow night and I actually was itching to drink because I’d been sober for a while and had been walking around so much. Meh, it’s exercise and less calories for not drinking.

September 15, 2009
It’s my long day today. Breakfast is walking to the bus two blocks away with a rice cake and an apple. Spanish is meh, but at least I’m signed up for the last presentation so I don’t have to worry about it and it’s about a good country, Cuba. Hope my partner isn’t an idiot and at least I didn’t get a nothing country like Paraguay.
Then I hang in the library and have my salad and some popcorn with water. Afterwards, I have my Democratic Theory seminar, which is long. It’s on Rawls, which is really boring and stupid. I then have my Constitution and Minorities class. I throw in some participation because this class is mad basic and we’re talking about Dred Scott.
I get back home and get some working out done. Situps with weight across my chest. Then shoulder exercises my holding myself up against the cabinet and bending my arms to drop myself and pushing back up. I then to go to run for 1.5 miles. When I get back, I have some brown rice and a bit of the dish I made over the weekend. Chicken, spinach, peppers, celery, carrots, and garlic spiced pretty heavily. I go for a smallish portion so that I’m sorta satifised and don’t stuff. I chill out for a bit and then grab a snack. A cup of celery and carrots with hummus and sour cream. A filling snack that’s really light. The diet’s been rocking well.

September 16, 2009
I get back from my class it’s already 8:00 because of how late my class is. Candace texts me and asks me if I want to come out. It’s been a long day and I’m tired so I could use a few drinks. I down four shots before I walk down to the East Village. I get to the place by 9:20ish. There’s free pizza there, but fuck that, I’m still dieting.
I thought I missed Chris Q’s set, but I see him outside and it turns out that someone else is playing for now. I actually like him. I sit inside with Candace and Jonah. After Chris’ show, it’s 12ish and we decide to go a taco place that Jonah knows. At the bar, I had their two drink deals. A shot of whiskey and Stella for $8 and a peach flavored shooter for $3. By now, I’m feeling the hunger and my inhibitions go out of the window for some authentic tacos. I try to use as much Spanish as I can when I order. I have a chorizo and carnita taco. The fillings are delicious and doesn’t taste like the crap you get at Taco Bell. The soft taco has flavor and tastes of corn instead of the paper stuff you get at the store or other Mexican places. I walk home after this and get to bed by 2:30 for classes tomorrow.

September 17, 2009
Josh is throwing a shindig tonight for the The Office and Always Sunny season premieres. I run to campus to go with Evan to Josh’s. However, his meeting is running late so I take the train myself. I get there. Kenny, Josh, Jonah, and Josh’s friend are there. The Community is on for a bit. Kenny leaves pretty quickly.
We make a run for food at some point and I get a bagel with cream cheese. That doesn’t help the diet when I had a huge ass burrito from the Mexican place near me earlier.
We end up leaving pretty late and I think I get home by 2:30.

September 18, 2009
Evan said he’s going out this weekend because the “leash” is back home, Sam. (Just kidding Evan and Sam). I meet up with his at 11:00ish near me. His friend Emery is having a birthday party at his apartment. I went to his birthday last year actually. It’s a decent size party with a really awkward beer pong setup where it runs from the living room to the kitchen through a half wall. I actually see a few guys from Prague there and say Hi. We stick around for about 20 minutes until we go downtown to Still, an NYU staple. These two cute girls outside are selling wristbands outside for $5 so you can get the drink deal of $3 beers.
I’m a bit smashed by now so I decide to take them on their deal. Come to think of it, I realize later, that it’s not a good deal. Beers are usually $4-5 and I’m not gonna get a good deal out of this because I’ve already drank a lot. I must’ve had 4 drinks before I left and a beer at the apartment party. I go through a beer. Then Evan has a gin and tonic on me so I’m not drinking alone. He said he’ll wait on it and end up going hard tomorrow instead.
After that drink, I decide that I better take advantage of the deal and order another beer. I chug that and we decide to leave because Evan wants to go, none of his friends showed up. I get back by 1:30 and without changing or taking out my contacts, I pass out for two hours. I wake up at 4:00 and feeling a little loose, gotcha feelin’ the goose. I hang out for a little bit and down some mad water and then go back to sleep because there’s nothing to do.

September 19, 2009
Bolanos is back in Great Neck. I tell him and Kenny to come into the city. After pregaming for a bit, I run downtime and meet them at Burp Castle. Evan and Josh show up. After a bit and a beer, we get bored of the place and go to the sports bar next door. After another beer, we move on. Bolanos grabs a beer from the store and we do some public drinking. We walk by Crif Dogs, but don’t want to wait on that. We to go Sophie’s while Kenny heads back to catch the 1:19.
I get two beers at Sophie’s. Josh mentions some girl with awesome legs, but she’s speaking to this dude all night and bought him a drink, so I didn’t wing that for him. Finally by 2:45ish, Bolanos has to run to catch the train at Penn. On the walk back, the beers from Sophie’s finally hit me. I didn’t have a full dinner so the pregaming and all the beers added up.
Yep... Pretty much..

Monday 14 September 2009


My schedule:
Monday- 11:00-12:15 and 6:20-7:35
(Spanish and American Constitution)

Tuesday: 11:00-12:15 and 2:00-4:30 and 4:55-6:10
(Spanish, Democratic Theory, Constitution and Minorities)

Wednesday: 6:20-7:35
(American Constitution)

Thursday: (11:00-12:15 and 4:55-6:10)
(Spanish and Constitution and Minorities)

Saturday 12 September 2009

Wow, Seriously?

September 10, 2009
I start off the day with an apple and jump on the bus to class. I get to Spanish and accidentally don’t have my homework. It stinks because I then can’t participate. I usually hate that, but it’s mad free points, so fuck yea. I go the library, eat my salad, speak to Katie on the phone for a while, and then I have to run to the ClubFest. I’m the new Treasurer for the ACLU club at NYU. I sit around there for a few hours and get some emails on our list.
Afterwards, I go to my Constitution and Minorities class. Afterwards, I meet up with Evan and Jonah to go Baoguette. I get a catfish sandwich and eat half. It’s darn good and put the rest in my bag. It’s rough decision time now. It’s almost 7:00. I have a voucher to go the Free Mystery NYU show at 8:00 with No Age and Raekwon. However, I don’t have class tomorrow and Candace told me about live band karaoke at 9 in Chinatown. The time doesn’t really work out because I want to pregame for karaoke and drop off my stuff. Evan helps out and suggests that he can get me liquor at the big cheap place near NYU.
After speaking to Katie on the phone, I decide go crazy and go to BOTH events. Jonah suggests that I drop off my bag/laptop at his place. I don’t want to rely on him and bother him to pick up my stuff. I also need to pregame yo! So from class to Baoguette, then I run to the venue to get my free ticket, then to the warehouse to give Evan money to get my a handle of cheap vodka, and then I catch the NYU bus back to my place. This is a rough run around. Here’s how it looks.
So I get to my dorm. I sit down. I pull out the vodka. It’s 8:00 by now and the show has started. In 8 minutes, I take 6 shots with a light dinner. I should be more drunk than I am. It’s been a long day so I also take a shower. I get out the door by 8:50 to catch the bus. I’m a bit drunk by now. I get to the show and can’t find Jonah so I hang for the show by myself. I miss No Age, which I’m fine with. The Raekwon show is awesome. Hip-hop shows in general are meh, but still… Raekwon. Cmon. He plays mostly old school Wu, a few from Cuban Linx I, and a few from the new album. I wish I knew earlier. I would’ve listened to my Raw again and knew the lyrics. Would’ve been a playa. Bolanos has pumped up the album, so I look forward to listening to it. There was some girl business at the show, but Katie doesn’t need to know about that.
The show ends by 10:15 or something. Jonah and I walk over the bar. The bouncer tries to be tricky and says, “Hey, this says ’88 right?” I’m not that drunk motherfucker. My chalked ID works yo! Actually, I’m sobering up at that point. I reply, “No, that’s ’86.” He plays dumb, “Oh, NOW I see it…”
Outside, we see Chris Q. We say Hi. We go in and see Candace pretty blitzed. It’s an awesome thing they have going. The live band has over 100 songs that they can play. You sign up, go on stage, and sing with that as if you were the actual singer for this studio band. Great idea. I’m not drunk enough to do that myself so I sign up for Otherside by RHCP. However, by 12ish, I’m bored. After two beers ($12 w/ tip), I decide to go and take the train back. I walk over to Canal and take the 6 to get to the apartment. Venue, the bar, train station, train station, apartment. Here:
I get back to the apartment and get on the elevator. I see two girls getting on. These people get off the elevator and they are people my age and drunk, “Yooo! 12C is where it’s at!” I get on the elevator with the two girls and say, “Guess I’m pressing 12.” They don’t end up coming along. At this point, the light dinner and the beers are holding me well. I knock on the door and someone opens up, “Who are you here for?” I need to improvise so I say that I’m here for “Brian Bernstein.” Now that’s actually Evan’s friends and I know Brian, but I say that because I look and see kids with yamaka’s on… Wtf…
I walk in and I realize this is scary. This apartment is only white people and half the guys are wearing yamakas. It’s a fuckin JEW PARTY!!! Turns out that most of the kids go to Yeshiva University. I immediately walk over to the kitchen to look for drinks and introduce myself to David. He’s wearing yamaka too… I again say that I know Brian Bernstein so he understand why I’m there, even though I say that I go to NYU. He takes my number.
Then I’m introduced to another guy that runs a poker game. They both ask for my number. I then meet some girl named Alvital or something. By now, I’ve been sneaking shots of absinthe in the kitchen. I’m way drunk and work this party so well.
Seriously, I’m in a small apartment of 20+ people. Every single person is white. I’m the only Asian there. I’m overdressed wearing my black jacket. Half the men are wearing yamakas! I’m game yo. (Brushes shoulders off).
I get asked about if I’m there for “Debbie” because it’s actually her birthday party. Later in the party, Debbie walks up to me. She asks why I’m there. Debbie… HER party… I can’t pull Brian Bernstein because he’s “made up” and she doesn’t know him. I pull David from my playbook. He’s actually at the party and I know his name! Awesomesauce, that works! However, the security guard keeps coming and knocking on the door. Debbie says that they’re checking IDs and stuff and kicks people out. It’s actually just a lie I’m pretty sure to get rid of people, especially a skeevster like me. However, I’ve crashed this party for over an hour now and it’s 1:40ish by now, so I leave.
I get back, eat my other half of baoguette, some Total Cereal, and drink loads of water, and speak to Bolanos about the experience. I’m about to go to sleep and Katie calls. She was supposed to call it an early night, but she went crazy… Again… So I get a call before 3 and go to sleep after that.
I got my ticket, went home to drop off stuff, took loads of shots, went to the show, went to the bar, played Catch Me If You Can Frank Abagnale shit. I movie that I’ve actually seen three times, last time was with Katie the last day in Michigan. You all know I don’t rewatch movies. Love that movie. Either way, I’m God. Done deal.

Thursday 10 September 2009

Classes Start. Fuck That.

September 7, 2009
I sit around until 5:00 when I move the rest of my stuff to the apartment. Then, I go to Nougatine, which my mom made reservations for. It’s the more casual restaurant adjacent to the actual Jean Gorges restaurant. It’s a pretty good meal with four courses and an amuse-bouche. I’ll write it on Yelp and all of you should be reading that already. Dweez.yelp.com
After dinner, I unpack for a few hours. I still have to settle down more, but tomorrow is a long day with three classes from 11:00 to 6:30. It’s going to be a long freaking day. It’s good that I find out that there’s an NYU bus a few blocks away from me. It’s for a dorm and I should be able to catch that for a quick ride instead of walking the 30 minutes to class or take the subway. Lets hope the bus action works.

September 8, 2009
I set an alarm for 9:15 because I want to be early today. I walk over a few blocks to catch the bus, which takes almost 20 minutes because of traffic. However, a much better option over walking and the subway. I have lots of extra time because my class is at 11:00. Spanish is the issue. Small class of almost 20 people and it’s going to be loaded with participation, three classes a week, homework, assignments, quizzes, five tests, a midterm, and final. It’s like I’m back in High School, but harder and more work. It’s expected because I’ve taken two semesters of this business.
Afterwards, I go to a little sandwich shop and get a chicken pesto wrap. I bring it to the library and watch two episodes of The Soup, while eating lunch. At 2:00, I have my Democratic Theory seminar. It’s political theory, but based about democracy. It’s supposed to go for two hours and thirty minutes, but he ends early. It goes for that long because it only meets once a week. It’s reading intense, but I hope they’re interesting because that’s when I really enjoy participation and discussion in class. Then again, you have to force yourself to do that anyway for free points. The class is graded heavily on that.
Afterwards, I have Constitution and Communities of Color. It’s less about the Constitution that I expected and seems a bit more about reading about stuff that relates to race. I’ll have to see though, though at least we’ll be reading case. I’ve done so much of that and reading cases is my bread and butter. It doesn’t seem too hard though.
I catch the bus back to the apartment. I want to get dinner and find out that a well-known and reviewed cheeseshop/sandwich shop is a block away. I look at the menu online and I see the best choices seem to be smoked salmon, smoked duck breast, or proscuitto di parma. I walk over and get the duck breast with soup. It’ll go up on Yelp soon.
I get back, eat it, and then go back out to get groceries. It’s diet time. I get Diet Coke and lemon because that’s filling and tastes great. Popcorn is a really good snack because it’s way airy and fills you up despite not being that much. The same goes for the carrots and celery I get. I love sour cream, so I think I going to use that with some spices, salt, and pepper to make a creamy dip. I have pasta, a head of romaine lettuce, some tomatoes, Weight Watchers shredded mozzarella, and balsamic vinaigrette for lunch or whatever light meal. A 100 calorie 7 grain flat bread goes with that too. Apples for breakfast. I’ll have to go back out tomorrow to get chicken and some veggies to make a dish of some sort that I can store for about a week to have with brown rice. Last semester was balls for that. I’ll diet better, hopefully drink less, workout more. This semester is rockin’ it for that.
My room has a TV equipped with satellite, which is a bit overwhelming seeing as how much TV I already watch without an actual TV… Then again, there’s a lot of dead air and I run out of interesting stuff to watch a lot of the time.
Even then, I have to buy books for class, mail out some stuff, waive my NYU health insurance because I’m already covered. I was falling asleep in all three of my classes. It’s been way too long of a day. Really sucks that this was the first day. Fuckin’ exhausted.

September 9, 2009
I wake up at 12:15 because I went to sleep late last night writing the blog and stuff. I get some breakfast. I get a salad, which is romaine, tomato, Weight Watchers mozzarella, and balsamic. I also have some spaghetti and turkey that my tenant made. I cook pasta for my future salads so that it’s more filling. I then figure that it’s time to get things going so I call the three Apple stores to find out if they have a webcam and audio recorder. Katie has a few Apple gift cards that I have because Michigan is annoying with Apple stores. It’s more convenient if I run around here to get it for her.
The one on 5th has them, so I go there. They’re shooting some movie right across the street from the store and there’s a huge crowd. I look at the products and see that its better to just order the stuff online because it’s the same price and there’s free shipping if you order online. That’s a no go, so I walk to the other side of the park to my mom’s office because I left one of the books I need this semester at home. I pick that up and then take the train down because I have class at 6:20.
I end up getting off at 14th Street to drop by the gym to find an NYU hoodie. They don’t really have anything so I walk down to class by 4th. On the way, I stop by Papyrus to get a card for Katie. I don’t know where the building for my class is. While I had a lot of time to get there, I end up scrambling around like an idiot until I finally get to class a few minutes late.
I heard about the class last year. It turns out that he has plants in the class to answer questions so he can get rid of kids. The auditorium is really full of students. It’s a lame introductory day, but I can tell that I’m going to love this class: The Constitution. It’s concepts and cases that I’ve already done.
After class, I run to the bookstore to again look for a hoodie, which I do end up finding and a t-shirt. I then go to the library to print out Spanish conjugation tables because we need to refresh. Even just a summer go me to forget all my stuff.
I catch the bus back to the apartment and stop by Duane Reade. I get a sponge and detergent. I also get some 1% milk and Total, an awesome diet meal. It’s got carbs, protein, low amount of fat, and vitamins. I get back and settle down and grab some dinner. Another salad and with a side of carrots and celery. I make a dipping sauce out of sour cream, salt, pepper, chili powder, and Italian seasoning.
After that, I have to settle down because it’s been a lot of walking today. I get some TV going. I’m glad there’s BBC here so I get F-Word and Kitchen Nightmares. I do loves the Ramsay.

Monday 7 September 2009

Last Weekend of Summer

September 1, 2009
Gems that I found while at work:

September 4, 2009
I’ve been working like 8-9 hours this week and not going out. Miah and Kenny are working and no one else is around. Jon is back for the weekend, so I pick up Miah at 10:00ish and go to On the Run. I see the creepy guy that creeped and stalked on Katie one night, but I didn’t acknowledge him. I’m driving so I get an ice coffee. Miah gets a Miller High Life for himself and a six pack of Heinney for Tom and CNF. We to Jon’s and sit around on the deck. Candace also comes. We just chill and laugh around.
Hopefully tomorrow will be a sick night in the city. People should be coming out.

September 5, 2009
I sit around all day doing nothing and catch up on some Real World. People need to keep up with that show. Def worth it. At night, my mom drives some of my stuff into the city to drop it off at my new apartment situation at 29th and 2nd. The apartment as a whole is bigger than last semester, but the room is a bit smaller. It’s not a super 8 minute convenient walk to campus. The tenant spoke to me a bit. She’s religious and bring up if I drink. I say No… The lady is my mom’s patient. Anyway, lets hope things go smoothly and nothing gets awkward or reported back to mom.
Then we go off to Artichoke and I try the crab slice for the first time. It’s so good and I actually prefer it over their artichoke slice. It’s almost 8:00 and tell mom to drop me off in the Lower East Side for a Chris Q show and Candace should be there. I go in and say Hi to her and her friends. The show takes a while to start and during that I start on drinks. 2 PBRs, a rum and Diet Coke, a double vodka and rum. It’s rough starting the night sober at 8:30.
After the quick show, we take the subway to Stout. By then, I’m feeling the drinks and go though two beers down there. Boy, shit’s rough spending like $60 on drinks for a night. Won’t be doing that again. Jon, Tom, and Jonah show up. I don’t end up singing at take the 1:19 back. I guess I should’ve waited on the beers and I get real sleepy on the train ride. I accidentally spill water on a girl sitting across from me. Awkward.
I doze in and out on the ride. I see people get off the train and they look like Great Neck people, but I don’t connect the dots. When the train doors close, I suddenly notice that I missed the Great Neck station. I was supposed to get off at Little Neck and now I have to get off at the next stop at Manhasset. It’s an hour walk back from there to my house. For part of it, I run and people in a car shout at me “Run! Run! Run!”
I then get to On the Run because I can’t wait for some food and a drink. I get a Diet Coke and a packaged turkey sandwich. I spill a bit of the soda on the counter and the guy gets annoyed at me. Then creepy worker sees me. He asks where Katie is and I point at my Michigan State t-shirt. He then goes for getting some money because last time I left my phone at On the Run and said that I owed him for finding it and holding onto it for me.
I get home and pass out in my clothes. A mess.

September 6, 2009
It’s been a boring day and I end up getting dinner with Kenny at Aeggea. Come to think of it, last time I was there was probably with the missing man, Hasan. I order a Greek salad with grilled chicken with some pita and yogurt sauce. Afterwards, we go to Stepping Stone to pick up Miah from work. However at 10, I find out from Evan that there’s stuff in the city. With his suggestion and Katie telling me to go too, I make a snap decision and go to the city.
Miah doesn’t end up getting a ride home. I get home and decide that since I want to drink, I want to walk to the LIRR station instead of driving and parking near it. Kenny has to walk back home, but I’m in a horrible rush. It’s 10:35 and I start sprinting to the station. I make it on time to catch the 10:51. Instead of the big ridiculous party at Sidebar, which got broken up by the cops, I end up going to a new place that’s a bit low key. They have a whiskey shot and PBR tall boy deal for $6 and I get two of those. I get to say Hi to Evan, Sam, and Brian. Evan and Sam end up leaving at 1:00ish so I end up leaving too.
Somehow, I miss at 7 train. I’m literally standing on the platform and walk over to another door because one is crowded. The subway decides to be quick and slams the doors shut. I’m the only retard stuck thinking to myself, “How did I just miss a train in front of me?” Anyway, I get to Flushing to catch the Q12 bus to Little Neck. While on the bus, a cop car drives in front of the bus to stop it. Two cops get on and point at this kid. They tell him to come to the front of the bus and check his hands. Turns out that he was spray painting earlier and the cops caught up to him. They search his girlfriend and him for a spray can, but they don’t have anything. The girlfriend stays on the bus, while the guy gets pulled off the bus and questioned. I wonder what’s going to happen to him.
I get back to Little Neck, take the 5 minute walk back, and sit on Stickam for a few hours because I’m bored.

Tuesday 1 September 2009

Summer Slowly Ending

August 26, 2009
I find out in the afternoon that Corinne is in the city visiting her sis with her boyfriend Michael. I get invited to come in and do stuff. They end up deciding to go to a park in the Upper East Side and watch a free outdoor movie. I meet up with Corinne, Michael, Courtney, and two friends near the park and walk over. It’s a really weird situation at the park because it’s loaded with dogs and kids. It turns out that it’s a series of dog movies for dog lovers. We watch part of Beverly Hills Chihuahua because they didn’t finish it last week. Seriously, watch this movie. It has to the worst movie of all time. It has live dogs with their mouths animated to make them talk. It’s fuckin weird and hilarious. Watch it!
Then they turn on Lady and the Tramp, which is a classic. It’s a good time. Michael’s a really funny guy. After the movie, we depart at the movie theater. I end up making the 11:50 train back. It’s not bad that I get to say Hi to Corinne and meet Michael. The movie is a bit less optimal because I would’ve prefer to hang out somewhere instead of sitting silently at a movie though.

August 30, 2009
Cooked dinner for the family tonight. Yesterday, got plain yogurt, fresh dill, and lemon juice and marinated 2 lbs of chicken breast for a day. Fry over pan with peppers, onion, and garlic. The marinade is basically tzatziki so do the same to make the sauce. Serve with pita.
For stuffed mushrooms, remove the caps. Chop em, cook them with garlic and it removes the water. Mix with bread crumbs and stuff. Top with cheese, bake at 400.
Creamed spinach is made with onion, garlic and butter. Thicken with flour and milk.
Shit is ridic, especially the chicken. The marinade softens the chicken up straight right.

August 31, 2009
Another day of work, I’ve been working a bit more these days since things are a bit more low key without the other workers there. I get off at 4:15. I get back, sit a bit, and take a nap until 6:30. Then I do an hour of LSAT practice. I then do some running 1.5 miles. I’m surprised I can pull off so much cold. I’m shit at endurance and I usually have to slow down half way through the mile. I don’t hit that mark this time until I do the full time. I guess that’s a good sign. Then I get back to do a bit of packing some of my random shit in my room into plastic bags. I still have to pack clothes and other things when it comes clothes to move this weekend.