Sunday 23 November 2008


November 7, 2008
I go with Evan to grab some food. We go to the big liquor store near NYU where he gets me two handles because they’re so cheap. I get one that’s cherry Georgi, which turns out to be disgusting.
I find out that Evan’s busy and doesn’t want to go to the bar party and we’re invited too. Derrick, who was Gianfranco’s friend that visited Prague, is having a shindig. I was invited through Facebook. I’m gonna be seeing lots of people that I haven’t seen in a while like Gianfranco.
I get there past 12:00, the thing starts at 11:00. There’s a lot of drifting around for me. I say Hi to a lot of people, but it’s mostly short convos and awkwardly floating around. Gianfranco eventually comes and I take a shot with him. Someone else buys me a shot and I buy two beers through the night. By the end of the night, I’m pretty shitfaced.
In the end, it’s really great seeing people again, but I don’t feel I established links well enough, so I’m not really optimistic that I might be seeing these people again or hanging out with them. It’s quite a hit to be seeing all the people from Prague.
I end up leaving by 2:20 and get KFC on the walk back. Hopefully tomorrow is fun.

November 17, 2008
It was a slow weekend since no one was around. Didn’t really do anything, though a lot of time on Stickam speaking to Nikki, who again I’ve been speaking to more than anyone else I know.
At least I’ve been reading about of a lot Constitutional Law stuff like the cases dealing with Guantanamo, free speech for class, and religion clauses for a paper.
I have an ALCU meeting, which is the second to last. I speak to some random people about the Politics classes and there’s just some food next time, that’s about it. Hopefully I’ll become better involved next semester.
I find out that I get into the NYU Law Shadowing program. I get to speak to a NYU Law (Top 5 law school in the country) student and attend one of his classes. It’s an amazing opportunity.

November 21, 2008
So it turns out that the first year Con. Law class that I get to go too is pretty cool. I spent hours before it reading Roe and Griswold. The professor is a great lecturer. Doesn’t stumble when speaking, prepared, and quick. I don’t know if that’s a good thing, but I like fast speakers.
The class actually turns out to be a lot like my Civil Liberties class. She gives a lecture on the thinking of the Court when deciding the case and allows people to give their opinions. From their opinions and how many people are taking notes/paying attention, it seems that I would really hold my own if I was in that class. Then again, I can’t really dig on them because they got into the school, something that I will not be doing…
Anyway speaking about that, I’ve had a great fire this semester of reading cases along with what my class asks for. Here’s some stuff that I’ve just spent hours and hours reading. And listening through podcasts.

Free Exercise Clause
Establishment Clause
Eminent Domain
Free Speech
Administrative law, Chevron deference, legislative veto
Lochner era, striking down of it
Substantive due process, Roe, Griswold, Carhart
Gitmo cases, Boumedeine, Rasul, Hamdi, Hamdan (watching ALCU movie)
Campain Reform/Spending
4th Amendment, exclusionary rule
Judicial jurisprudence

Evan said earlier that we should be doing stuff tonight. Lets see if that happens.
We end up going to the bar near us. We know the bartender and he makes up a deal of two Miller High Life for $5. I take that while Evan goes four gin and tonics deep. We then take a cab to Still, a popular NYU place. The place is poppin’ and loaded with people.
I get another beer since I’m taking it not too harshly. However, Evan gets two gin and tonics. I try to get him to work the shit and he actually shmoozes it up a bit with a really cute asian girl. However, he doesn’t follow it up and he loses her to another guy. I try to get him to wing with me otherwise, but that doesn’t work out since he ends up superdrunk. We go to Karthik’s place, stand around for a bit, he’s drunk, we leave, we get food, take a cab back, and end of night.
Although the game wasn’t thrown down hard, we were out and Evan finally got drunk. A great night in context.

Thursday 6 November 2008

Pickup Artist? SCOTUS?

November 2, 2008
I end up waking up and hanging on Stickam for a bit. Someone on Stickam I know is having a few drinks with her roommates, so I like, “What the fuck, lets have a few drinks too.” Notice, I haven’t eaten anything yet and I started the drank at 4:00ish.
I have a snack at 6:00ish and don’t eat anything real until 9:30. I speak to Corinne and Nikki for most of the night.
I watch three episodes of The Pickup Artist, which is an interesting reality show on VH1. It allows an expert pickup artist (picking up women), Mystery, and he finds a handful of geeky, socially inept guys in their 20s and teaches them to work it hard. Fuckin’ Mystery is a weird ass motherfucker. He needs to learn how to dress like a non-Goth, non-fag douche.
They start off really awkward, but they at least have the balls to try to make moves. They get a huge makeover and start getting lessons on shit.
False time constraint: Fake that you have to go somewhere like meeting up with friends, so that you put desire onto yourself.
Neg: A douchebag comment that is meant to make her feel she needs to qualify herself onto you.
IOI: Indicator of interest, showing interest.
Set: A group of 4 girls, a 4 set. Starting a set involves initiation and attempting to start conversation.
Fuckin’ just random vocab that this show has. A lot of it seems like common sense or over thought douchebaggery. However, it’s really rough watching some of the guys just shot down like horribly.

November 5, 2008
I don’t have class tomorrow until 6:20 because one of my classes is cancelled. I end up getting a 97 on my midterm on Administrative Law. A class that I hated, but I’ve gornw o to like it because it’s starting to move towards Supreme Court cases. I felt that the class was really disorganized, but I felt that I prepared well for the midterm and the class started making more sense.
Josh ends up coming past 8:00 to do stuff. We pregame at my place and then go out for food. We go to Crif Dogs, which is giving out free hotdogs and a drink because post-Election Day.
About that, you know I don’t like either candidate. Election Day was crazy and people were so loud and cars were honking all over. It felt like the end of WWII or something and the soldiers were coming back. Guess they saw it as the second coming of Christ… Sighs…
We then go to Bamn! and I get a bacon chesseburger against from the “vending” machine. It’s mighty good. It’s good hanging with Josh and getting some shitface going.
I’m drunk and bored, so end up spending 20 minutes reading the oral arguments over a case involving the FCC that is pending.
I also listen for over an hour of the oral arguments of Morse v. Frederick (Bong Hits 4 Jesus case). It’s weird that I’m spending so much time on this shit, but I guess it’s really good that I’ve found stuff on interest that I’m doing this, including reading about 8 cases a week for my Civil Liberties class.

November 6, 2008
I find out that I should have enough vodka for tonight, but I’m gonna have to reup on that shit tomorrow. I get my Civil Liberties midterm back. It get a fuckin’ B in my favorite class, probably one of my favorite classes I’ve ever taken. I feel that she grades the shit really rough, but whatever. I guess I’ll have to destroy the final and final paper, which I’m looking forward to.
I also apply to a cool program where if I get in, I get to shadow an NYU law student for a week and go to classes. I hope I get in, though they ask for a resume, and my shit is probably weak and ugly…

Sunday 2 November 2008


October 29, 2008
Stickam update:
Nikki, from Georgia, I met her at the beginning of the summer. She was off for the summer, but we’ve been speaking like everyday and texting this semester.
Corinne, from Boston, Wapanese girl. I knew her from the summer, but now we talk quite a bit.
Noki, another Wapanese too. She’s nice and we speak a lot too.
Evan and I go to Boris’ to watch South Park, which is alright. I smoke some blunt and bong there and get pretty high. On the walk back, grab a large Fries at McDonald’s. And yes, fucked up on a Wednesday night, that’s what we do.

October 30, 2008
Evan and I go to S’Mac for a 5:00 meal or something. It’s a place that only serves Mac N’ Cheese. We get the Cheeseburger one, which basically amazing Hamburger Helper with breadcrumbs baked on top. It’s really good. At night, Evan and I try to figure something to do. We end hanging out at his place and having Jameson. He doesn’t drink his, so I end up getting pretty lit. We listen to most of the Tracy Morgan interview from Howard Stern. Listen to it, greatest interviewee ever.

October 31, 2008
Halloween! Not planning to dress up, there are loads of parties. Evan and I are going to break it down and see what happens.
Turns out our big plans of going to this party at a bar are next week, so that ends up not working. Evan also finds out that some of the plans force costumes in order to show up, what BS. Evan shows up at my place with food because his roommate is using the room. My room is a fuckin’ disgusting mess and we speak to Bolanos on iChat while he’s waiting. Evan goes back to shower and Josh heads over to the city.
I head over to Evan’s past 10:30. After a quick drink, we go upstairs for Josh and Evan to smoke of the vape. There’s no problem that they’re smoking, but it ends up taking an hour before we move out to a party that Evan knows about. By then it’s heading towards 12:00. It’s a close walk, but we end up getting there and it’s pretty crowded. None of us are dressed up, which is “odd” in the Village, but fuck it. Some hot chick walks by Evan, while we’re heading up the stairs of the apartment and compliments his shirt, more reason for us to stay for the party. It’s pretty crowded, but after going up a couple flight of stairs and seeing lots of people, Evan and Josh decide that we must leave. If anything, there’s more of a reason to stay because it’s fuckin lots of people and at least see what it’s like, but nope and we leave.
Instead, we go to Tuck Shop. I end up getting a Shrimp Pie, which is probably their best pie (chunks of shrimp, baby portabella, red pepper flakes, and chives, don’t ask how I know all that). I suggest that it’s fuckin’ Halloween and we have to do something. You should’ve seen the pus (vagine) walking around. It’s warm and allows them bitches to dress they way they do.
Josh is worried about time because it’s 12:30 by now. Before 12:00 when we were heading to the party, it turned out that CNF is in the city with “friends” and was heading to a bar. I told him that we were heading the party and that we will call him back if it doesn’t work out. He’s also like 4 blocks away from us in the city, which is so fuckin’ close.
Did we know he was in the city and coordinate any plans with us earlier? You can guess the competency…
We call him and he doesn’t pick up. Josh left stuff at Evan’s place, so we go back there to pick it up. I push for doing something, but we don’t. Josh wants to get back at some time. I tell Evan that we can go out, but after sitting around, I could tell nothing is fuckin’ happening so I drink loads of Jameson.
I end up leaving Evan’s place before 2:00. I go back and realize I’m starving. I want to eat, so I end up walking deeper into the Village. I go to a place called Bamn! It’s really interesting.
I walk in, ask for change from my $5 bill. Then go to the change machine, like an arcade, to get quarters and dollar coins. It’s Halloween and the place is packed so there’s only really a bacon cheeseburger for $2.75. It’s darn good and a pretty good deal at city prices.
I’m still hungry so I walk over to Crif Dogs. I get the bacon wrapped hot dog with fried egg and cheese. It’s a 30 minute wait, it’s over $5 for the dog, though I get some free candy out of it. It’s not an amazing deal, but still mighty good. I end up going back eventually and going to sleep by 5:00ish.

November 1, 2008
At night, I try to speak to Evan, but he’s in the library and decides he doesn’t want to do stuff for the night. He says that he probably was a burn out last night because he was high and that’s why we left the “party,” even though we didn’t even go there in the first place.
I find out from CNF at 10:30 that Josh, Jonah, Tom, and other people are over at his place. I shower and then realize it’s 10:50ish and it’ll probably take over 30 minutes to get there. Then, I don’t know when Josh and Jonah will be leaving. CNF says they want to leave early, so I won’t be for much, maybe a couple hours at most. I end up deciding not to go.
CNF throws in that he’s drunk, drinking Jack and Coke, and having fun. What a nice stab. Great that they were in the city seeing and movie and didn’t mind to say they were heading over to CNF’s.
I have some drank’s myself and want to eat. I decide to go get food by 2:00ish. I go to the Punjabi Grocery Market that’s three blocks from me. It’s really amazing stuff.
For $5, you get more food than Halal cart. You get a boat load of Basmati rice with your pick of three sides. Actually, it’s enough for two full meals. It’s vegetarian, but as I meat lover, I’m still fine with it. It has all the “meaty” vegetables like eggplant, potatoes, and peas. One of them is eggplant “mix” and the other one is curry with potatoes. I’m not sure what the other side is. There are six sides to choose from, but you can’t really tell what they are.
An uneventful weekend, what am I gonna say.