Wednesday 21 April 2010


April 14, 2010
I don’t know what it’s been these days, but I’ve been napping like crazy. I’ve been wanting to study like crazy for the LSATs, but it’s hard to get into the zone. I’ve been waking up at 7:45 for work. I try not to work too much so that I “kill” my day and I already work only 4 days a week anyway. I get home by 4:30 or usually earlier. Then I immediately try to take a nap because otherwise I’m just useless for the rest of the day. However, I set my alarm for an hour and I end up sleeping 2 to 2 and a half hours. Jeez. I’ve been trying to sleep earlier, but I guess I really have to make sure I get at least 7 hours.
I go nap at 5:00 and plan on waking up before 6:00 because I need to add cardio into my workout plan. However, I wake up at 8:20. Motherfucker. However, I at least wake up to dinner because my grandma is back from staying with my aunt. Brown rice, steamed fish (next to chicken with protein, low fat awesomeness), and bok choy. Bam bam bam. Filling, healthy.
Then, it’s onto my workout. Shoulders, pushups, abs. Then onto my cardio. High intensity on the bike.
To treat myself, I have the Green Apple Jones soda that I bought. I should stick to their Splenda stuff. Shit’s like a full bottle and 170 calories of straight sugar. Then again, I’m probably still under my calorie intake for the day anyway, which is around 1600-1700.
Last night, I watched Red Road. This British film about a lady that watches the CCTV cameras and then follows this guy around after it. It’s shot in a very realistic sense with a handheld camera, simple cuts, lack of a soundtrack, etc. It was slow as shit though despite its great style. I didn’t like it.

April 14, 2010
I just watched a film that Atron suggested. The Boys and Girls Guide to Getting Down. It’s pretty awesome. It’s straight facts. It teaches you how to roll. It’s a really easy watch despite being a shit movie to probably most people. It’s all about LA partying, drinking, smoking weed, rolling chicks, rolling dudes, doing coke, all of it.

April 17, 2010
I take a nap during the afternoon. I wake up and call Corinne because she told me yesterday that she was in the city. We haven't had dinner so we decide to meet up for that. I drive into the city, which is so much more convenient at night or Sunday than taking the train. Well, unless you're planning to get shitfaced or something. I drive over to where she's staying with her mom. Her mom and brother come out to say Hi while the car is standing. We go to Shabu-Tatsu in the East Village for Japanese BBQ and bibimbap instead of our usual ritual of going to Kenka. We don't even have dinner until 11:00ish and it's awesome that the place is open until 1:30. I drop her off afterwards. Early dim sum tomorrow!

April 18, 2010
I head into the city to meet up with Corinne. We head downtown from Columbus Circle with her brother, mother, mother's boyfriend, and his kids. I'm like their Asian tour guide for dim sum. We go through loads of char sui baos. There's also beef in rice noodle, chicken feet, spare rib, different dumplings, etc. The three kiddos weren't adjusted to it and had to stick to chicken fried rice that was ordered off the menu. After that, I drive back and get hit by a bit of traffic. Shit, I don't know why I'm so tired and sleep from 5:30 to 8:30. I grab some dinner and chill out. Erdem and Kenny drop by to say Hi. I'm a bit worried at night because I feel an itch at the back of my throat, which usually signifies a cold.

April 19, 2010
I wake up feeling a bit shitty and sick. At work, I have a sneeze and runny nose. By the time I leave work, I gets real bad and I can barely run my errands. Cosi is supposed to have faux sangria and habanero lemonade today, but they don't have it yet and I have to stick to ice coffee. I have to ship the pull up bar that I bought because it's the one where you have to screw into the door frame. I want the one that goes around the frame. I ordered it today and hopefully it comes soon.
I get home and don't even bother grabbing a bite. I just pass out. Boom, I wake up. Snooze. Snooze. Snooze. It's 9:30. I sleep like 4+ hours.

April 20, 2010
I wake up feeling like shit. I can't get out of bed and I just text my boss at 8:00 that I won't be coming in. I finally wake up at 1:00 and feel a lot better than waking up. However, still sick and shitty. I get up and eat some oatmeal with banana and cinnamon. I sit around for pretty much the whole day and get no studying done. Instead, I get up working out instead. I try running, but that does not work. I want to get dinner, but Erdem backs out. For night plans, he does the same. I guess the man needs his sleep real bad at 10PM.

April 21, 2010
I'm listening to the Eurovision 2010 songs. For those who don't know, it's somewhat like American Idol mixed with the Olympics. Countries send a song/artist to represent them in this contest and it's voted on continent wide. It's sort of a big deal there.

Moldova- A 90s/Euro dance song. Not bad though, quite polished.
Russia- A slow ass sad Soviet tune with that deep Russian voice. So cheesy.
Estonia- Pretty simple. Somewhat contemporary. Good voice.
Slovakia- Meh. Boring.
Finland- Hot chicks, but we really need some polka? Go suck a dick.
Latvia- Not a bad attempt. Too much accordion and it could've used some revampd production.
Serbia- This song is so fucking annoying. My insides want to turn inside out from it.
Bosnia and Herzegovina- A scrawny guy with a weak voice and accent singing a metal ballad. "Thunder and lightning holding hands" is part of the chorus. Need I say more?
Poland- Boring ballad.
Belgium- Wow, this is actually a real song. Like not some bullshit, I could actually imagine this on the Top 40 US. Nothing groundbreaking, but we're not looking for that. Good voice, catchy tune, well written, the guy has his style down. I'm impressed.
Malta- It's like a Celine Dion song. Meh.
Albania- Stolen from a Christina Aguilera song. Still a pop tune and doesn't sound bad.
Greece- Mix a Greek wedding and a fast paced dance song. Oh, and muscly Greek men in tiny vests dancing around.
Portugal- Whitney Houston by a Portuguese chick.
Macedonia- The opposite of what rock should be. Fuck this song sucks.
Belarus- At least it's so-so contempt. Still sucks.
Iceland- Meh, not bad. Fat chick singing an outdated Eurodance song.
Lithuania- Ska-ish. It's weirdish. I don't know what to say about it. The guys in their outfits awkwardly dancing like monkeys is the worst.
Armenia- Meh pop song.
Israel- So sappy. So boring.
Denmark- Blatantly ripped off The Police. Nice job.
Switzerland- Boring song.
Sweden- Ruined a hot blonde chick with shitty music and making her sing like opera.
Azerbaijan-Sort of like Shakira. Meh.
Ukraine- Hits the Evanescence notes, but it's somewhat in between and confused. Song needs focus.
Netherlands- This song is not serious. I'm laughing listening to it.
Romania- A really bad disco song. If people from the 70s wouldn't be impressed, are we supposed to be?
Slovenia- I'm laughing, well not as much, but still laughing.
Ireland- Boring. Meh.
Bulgaria- At least it's more polished than the other Eurodance songs.
Cyprus- Not a bad song, his voice sounds a bit like Rob Thomas.
Croatia- Shut these three up and get them to spread their legs.
Georgia- Yeah it's a "newborn day," wake me up when this song ends.
Turkey- A pussified System of a Down.
Spain- Youtube comments love it and say it'll def be Top 5. I don't know, doesn't do it fo rme. It's different at least.
Norway- So sappy, sounds like a Disney tune.
UK- What is this karaoke business?
France- At least it has a different Eurotrash sound than most songs. It's a decent summer beat.
Germany- Chick is fuckin' hot. Love the song. This better frakin win.

Sunday 11 April 2010

Early April

April 5, 2010
None of the boys from the Great Neck want to go to a Yelp Event in the city so I head there myself and invite Jonah in case he wants to go. He comes along to Tribeca. My Yelp review will be up soon with the deets. Free snacking, with some yummy jalepeno chorizo mac n' cheese. Free drinks, cider, larger, and porter. I go home after the event.

April 6, 2010
I have an event in Brooklyn today as well, but I decide to skip out. I'm way to fucking tired. I have to get to bed at a better time these days if I'm waking up before 8:00 for work. I get home and end up napping from 5:30 until 8:40ish. I wake up even still a bit woozy. I guess boy did I really need some shut eye. I get my ass out of bed and get some working out done. I'm starving since I haven't eaten since work.
My routine these days is:
8:30- 1 serving oatmeal, some cinnamon, half a banana, half scoop whey protein
11:30- Half a can of "lite" soup with 1 serving of beans, some veggies (broccoli and spinach), topped off with some water to fill it up, and hot sauce. A high fiber wrap.
2:30- 1 serving nonfat yogurt, half a banana, half scoop whey protein, half serving Special K protein, half serving shredded wheat

It's pretty "diety," but it keeps me satifsfied during work and keeps protein flowing in me. It makes up for when I "treat" myself on the weekends with going out to eat or any drinking, which I try to keep to a minimum because that is just straight empty calories.
I'm trying to get a bit more intense on my workout these days. 4 sets of knuckle pushups. Various abs exercise throughout. 2-3 sets curls and shoulder with upping and dropping weight. It's not a real workout like at a gym, but I do what I can with my time so I don't have to invest the time and money into a gym. It works for me and how much I'm willing to put into it. You should commit yourself to what you can do instead of push past your tolerance and end up not doing anything.
After sitting around and watching Amazing Race while working out, it's almost 11:00. I'm starved so I get a "big" dinner. 1 portion of chicken (2 tenders, you'd be surprised what a real portion is, think a deck of cards) with some Bold Dash on a pan with no oil. Then I stir fry a portion of whole grain rice (about 1/2 cup cooked), chopped spinach, lotus root, broccoli, and a bit of firm tofu. Soy sauce and hot sauce for taste. Healthy, filling, delicious.

April 7, 2010
It's been forever since I've listened to any music so I decided to go on Pitchfork's Best New and download a bunch of shit.
I start off with Fang Island. It's an indie pop instrumental band. It's not something that I would actively listen to that music, but I'd imagine it's perfect if you're not paying attention and doing some random stuff and just need something fun in the background. Some tracks would be great for a party.
The Morning Benders- Some good ol' indie pop. Reminds me a bit of Grizzly Bear because of their diversity and baroque pop influence.
It got up to fraking 88 degrees today. I want to do barbecue and get something rolling, but Miah's in the city and Erdem feels like he's going to flake out. I'm also in the mood to try making sangria. I've never made it before. It seems simple enough and I just saw it being made in a YouTube video.

April 8, 2010
We're supposed to a BBQ today, but instead we go to 3 Bros. on Bell Blvd. Delicious steak sandwich. Then, we get a mango smoothie at Ralph's ices. Fresh chunks of mango in there, fucking sweet. I watch Skins when I get back, which is so amazing. Reminds me of Freaks and Geeks, but a bit more dramatic and British. Watch it, fucking good.
Then I'm trying to catch up on films so I'm watching Fish Tank, a British drama about this teenage girl living in low class situation.

April 9, 2010
Kenny, Miah, and Erdem are content with hanging at Kenny's playing computer games. Bolanos comes over because we have plans to go to Baker Hill Tavern in town with Avi. We head there and after some beers, we decide that we're starved and want to get some El Rey del Taco in Astoria. Avi drives out there with us getting lost as shit on the way. However, we need to take a pee break and run into a pub. It's actually pretty poppin. Some girls. Lots of people. A DJ playing some music. Cheap drinks. We hang out there for a drink and then head back out looking for the taco truck. We finally find it, but Bolanos and I shout in anger when we see that the truck isn't there. Why isn't it there on a fucking Friday night?! Fuck that shit!
Instead, we go to halal cart. It's the one we usually go to and it's smashing delicious.

April 10, 2010
I spent the day shooting the shit with my German friend, Ela. She's doing au pair in America soon or something. At night, I wanted to do dinner plans, but instead I eat at home. The usual healthy dinner. Brown rice, chicken breast, broccoli, and spinach with hot sauce and salsa.
Bolanos is at dinner and we try to get plans going. Erdem and Kenny are staying in. Avi is sick and staying in. We finally give up and Bolanos drives into the city to hang with Stefan and Jonah. We've been on a banh mi craving forever. Like seriously, I don't have favorites for anything, but right now. Favorite food? Banh fucking mi. BANH FUCKING MI. Fuck me.
We go to International Bar and have some drinks. Jonah and Stefan meet up there. The whiskey and Genesee beer is too good of a deal. The bartender pours that shit real heavy like a legit double. Place is way better deal than Continental.
After that, we have some Pommes Frites craving. We have a small and the four of us split it. However, they're out of pesto mayo and we don't get sauce. Instead, we stick to War sauce. We sit down with some ladies and Stefan works his magic chatting them up. He picks up a number, class job.
Then onto Baoguette. Bolanos and I split a Sloppy and regular Bao. I accidentally tip over a glass and it breaks. Stefan gets a bit of a cut and can't stop bitching. The awesome girl working there gives him ice cream. We get ice cream too. Shit's so fucking good. Then, I decide to stuff myself and split another bao with Stefan. Shit, that's 1 and a half banh mis and ice cream.
Stefan runs into some girl with her boyfriend. He has the balls to get a kiss from her and ask for her number right in front of him. This man is a riot. Bolanos and Jonah just watch this wild man in awe.
After that, we drop him off and head home.