Monday 30 May 2011

Spring is Here

May 17, 2011
I was listening to Howard and they interviewed crazy people that thought Osama was alive. One person said, “I don’t think it was right he was killed. Who is to punish the person that killed Osama? He was not the only person involved. He is just one person.” Howard respond, “Who is this? Socrates?!” Yeah, don’t get all philosophical about this bullshit.

I forgot some stuff from that fun Saturday night.
At point one, Brandon’s party was so loud and I was shouting that I lost my voice. I kept trying to talk and tell stories, but my voice just keeps cracking. It’s pretty ridiculous, but I keep trying and have to stop to laugh at how silly it must sound with my voice cracking like a boy going through puberty. I even laughed and backed myself into the hostess that tried to get by behind me. Awkward.
The area where Brandon and people were at was above the level of the bar. However, there was open railing and one could get into the area and avoid the stairs, but going under the railing. I remember seeing Scott with his ass all out reaching over to grab a Jello shot. Funny sight.

May 18, 2011
Bolanos randomly tells me that Belmont is going up to Binghamton and all of a sudden that he is down to go. After stuff, I end up having to drive up there. We get to the hotel late at 2:00 or such, but after having to visit Deuce and Wilson because of Belmont, I don’t get to sleep until 5:00.
Bolanos and I wake up before 12:00 to get some food and head out to drink. We go to Fitzy’s, which is a punk bar, but not today. I mention how I never get buy backs, but I end up getting one here of their nasty well whiskey. Shit’s cheap, $3.25 for a shot of Jame-O.
We then meet up with Griff at the Belmar, the low key towney bar of Binghamton. Here, we notice the college comraderie. We’re sitting at the bar and people are just nice enough to enter conversation while trying to order at the bar. One gal talks to Bolanos for a bit and I end up keep mentioning her as his “girlfriend.” He doesn’t get it, but I damn sure get a kick out of it.
We then eventually head downtown. During this, I see Erin and Fidel, which is super exciting. I get to hang with them for a bit before going back to the hotel room and taking a break for an hour or so. Then off out to for round two. I end up meeting Maddy, which is a funny story. Months ago, Atron told me about wanting to go to Binghamton to meet this girl that is rushing his frat. However, he later figures that it seems like a pretty dumb idea.
Funny thing, Bolanos and I end up meeting her through Erin. She seems nice and all, and a dime, etc. etc. Though really, they’re a dime a dozen. Hot blonde with pretty smile here, brunette with green eyes there, red hair with hair skin, yonder. They’re all over. What’s the difference.
After a while, the bars start closing up and we find Belmont, who goes to hang out with other people. Bolanos and I head back and we plan on checking out by 12:00.
However, Belmont comes back with Deuce and a dog at 8:30. I wanted a good 8 hours of sleep because I couldn’t sleep the night before and get rid of my hangover, but no go. I’m fucking annoyed as shit and just want to sleep at for hours and hours. I’m miserable all day and even when I start driving. With the traffic and all, it ends up taking five and a half hours. Shit’s annoying.
At night, Bolanos and I end up meeting with Kenny and Erdem at beer garden. We haven’t seen him in forever, but he’s the same dude.

May 25, 2011
Getting back on a good sleep schedule has been annoying as usual. I had to go to the dealership after work to fix a flat that my car got. It ended up taking almost two hours to simply plug a tire, jeez. I get home and straight pass out and take a long nap until 8:45. Hopefully that doesn’t mess me up when I try to sleep early, hopefully before 12:00.
I want to go out to grab some Taco Bell or maybe some grilled chicken at KFC, but I decide to go super healthy and make my usual chicken quesadilla. Super healthy.
Whole wheat tortilla with nonfat cheese with hot sauce and salsa. I then get some peppers, onions, black beans, baked chicken breast, fresh tomato, with some cayenne pepper. Ideally, I would dollop loads of fat free sour cream on that. It’s super darn filling.
I’ve been wanting to get some results from working out. Well, I have, but I want more serious results, so I guess I have to turn up my working out a notch. I’m still too lazy to consistently do cardio, even though it takes less time than weights. The diet and drinking also need to get dealt with, so I’ll work on that too.
Tomorrow, I plan on doing a Food Crawl on crepes. I’ve been wanting to not go out on weekend nights so that I can “do New York.” This Food Crawl seems like a good way for me to get crepes, which I’ve never had sweet ones and also meet some people. We’ll see.
As for culture, I’ve been trying to expose myself to more jazz. I want to pick up the guitar more, but I feel that is a lot of investment and maybe not worth it. Maybe I’ll pick it up here and there and see if I want to commit. I’ve signed up for Spanish sites and downloaded a program, but I still have to start doing that.
I want to do this museum thing that Google has made. It basically is a virtual museum. So instead of having to go in person to see paintings, one could see everything virtually with extreme detail that you wouldn’t even get with the naked eye.
I’m watching this BBC special Italian Gardens, which seemed interesting. Granted, it’s super dry. I’m not that down into the history and the details of each garden, but with only listening partially, you get enough. You really get to see the beautiful gardens that Italy has and it gives you a bit about the Renaissance.
I want to find more shows like “On the Road,” which is exactly what I want. For anyone, I would really suggest the show. It’s Mario Batali, Gwenyth Paltrow, Mark Bitman (writer for NYTimes), and an attractive Spanish actress going around Spain. They get to see the sights, but more importantly, cook, watch chefs cook, and eat the local food. It’s easy to watch and fun. A completely different approach from a British guy telling you every historical detail about each garden in Italy.
I’ll have to update the blog on what I accomplish on doing in New York.

May 25, 2011
I’m supposed to do a food crawl on crepes today. I go to E Houston and end up going to the wrong area to meet up people, so I just do stuff myself. It’s really nice being in the city when it’s not night. Pretty girls, seeing how people are dressed, seeing regular people out instead of just young people when we’re out at night.
I get a crepe and Baohaus in the Lower East Side. I see Sam Rockwell and Justin Long just standing around. I basically walk around and soak in the city. Still, it’s way hot, boy I can’t take weather in the high 70s or 80s.

May 28, 2011
I go into the city to check out the Hester Street Fair, but I end up getting into the city late and it’s 6:00 and closing. I don’t end up getting the Big Gay Ice Cream Truck like I wanted.
I then go to Balthazar to pick up a baguette to remind myself of awesome Paris is. Then to Uniqlo to pick up a shirt and shorts. I then meet up with Stefan to get dinner at Kenka. After a huge meal and big beer, we meet Bolanos at Fat Cat. Stefan has to leave for work and Bolanos and I hang for a bit and then leave. I want to get Wafle and Dinges, but that’s closing. That’s two food trucks that’s closed right in front of me, my luck. We go to Sophies to hang for a bit. It’s nice that I was out in the city, I took some pictures, and just enjoyed walking around.

May 29, 2011
My plan is to do the same again. I go into the city to buy a gift for Corinne’s birthday in gift shop mall thing in Chinatown. I then go to Washington Square Park where they have a really amazing outdoor art exhibit up on University Place. I pick up business cards of artists that I enjoy so I can go to their website and check out their art again. I then check out Washington Square Park itself where there are some older people playing some music. A few people singing, guitar, flute, bongo, and such.
I then get a pain au chocolate and then try to go to Joe for some amazing coffee, but it’s closed. I then get Taim Falafel, which is one of my favorite things in the city to eat and then decide to go back home. A fun time in the city. I should do this more and take it easy on weekends so I’m not hungover all day and actually get stuff done. Saturday was fine. I had a couple beers and drove back home, so I didn’t have too much to drink and could do stuff and enjoy spring.
At night, Miah, Bolanos, and I go to beer garden and end up meeting with Matt and two friends of his.

Sunday 15 May 2011

Epic Night

May 14, 2011
Miah and I take the 7:50 train, despite Bolanos and Brandon take the later one. I have nothing to do anyway, so might as well go out into the city. Aaron called me earlier and asked what the deal with the night is. He seemed like he was trying to get at something so I ask him. He points out how rude I am and how hard I am trying to “get to the point.” It turns out he’s down for dinner before we go out, so there you go, I could tell it.
Miah and I get into the city and we call Aaron, who is unresponsive because he’s napping. Kenka usually takes a while to get a table and I put our name down, but waiting around, our table gets called multiple times. I awkwardly notice that girl that I dated that Atron stalked our date walk by and go to the store above Kenka. I don’t say Hi.
Miah goes to grab some Jim Beam so we can pregame after dinner. Atron finally shows up and we have to wait again. He mentions that someone should grab a bag of sugar and use it for the cotton candy machine. I question why someone would want cotton candy in the first place. I then say to lure kids and “Hey, I’m just a guy who likes some kids. What’s wrong with that?!” Aaron asks where that came from and I shout in response that I just came up with it. Aaron then says why I went on the attack, he was simply asking a question. Classic Darwin.
We have dinner and some big beer. We continue talking about kids and I say I like kids. However, for a narcissistic reason that I would mentor kids and they would look up to my awesome views on life. Aaron says I should take a narcissism test. Ela shows up, grabs a beer, and we’re off. We don’t end up pregaming and go immediately to Brandon’s birthday thing up on 13th.
Atron starts pretending to walk like me, ahead of everyone and with my posture. However, he does it all wrong and leans back like like I’m a drunk or something. We get to the birthday and see everyone. Bolanos, Scott, Brandon, David Simon, Erica, some of Brandon’s friends. Evan and Sam show up too. Ela and I check out the cute hostess that is taking care of our area.
Miah jokes that Aaron and Scott are chummy, despite Aaron should apparently hate Scott.
Bolanos and I confirm plans about going to Binghamton for Bar Crawl. Aaron mentions the time that Murray wore his FBI shirt and I wore mine to the gym, like two douchebags. Miah asks how many girls I picked up at Bar Crawl wearing that shirt. I responded that I lost more teeth that day than I picked up girls. Now that’s a man.
Bolanos and I find this guy at the bar that has a huge wrestling belt. He calls himself Mike the Nightmare Manischewitz or something like that. His friend comes over and announces for the guy with some play on Jewish words.
Aaron mentions that I say “Again” too much. I say it when someone wasn’t even stated in the first place and with no preface, I just shoot out “Again.” I explain that my mind is probably ahead of everything and I’m probably so many steps ahead thinking that I say it.
On a walk, it comes up that, “The Foo Fighters aren’t a great band, but I like a lot of their songs.” They laugh that it makes no sense. I say that it’s just bullshit people are stuck in their decade and have ideas like, “Yo, rock bands suck now. The Foo Fighters are the fucking best band.” They respond asking who “these people” are. I do not know them specifically, I sure as hell know they are out there and hold these freaking views.
There’s these two guys that are cuddling and kissing at points. I joke that some people would be offended by that. I ask Bolanos if he would be offended by that. With Ela there, he has to get defensive and explain that he is not a homophobe and has no issue with it. I did nice job pushing him into a corner with that.
When we leave to go to the next bar, I’m talking about something and Ela keeps playing the “Huh?” game. I keep repeating myself and I finally give up and shout, “Fine!! Better conversation then!” A guy walking up breaks out laughing from hearing that. I’m such a funny guy. I really should get an audience for my amazingness.
We walk by Zaragoza and we get reminded of the time that Aaron got real sloshed. It’s surprising that Zaragoza was open until 4AM, but he was knocking on their window and sloppily speaking Spanish, “Dos tacos! Por favor!!” No dice. We then had to walk over to get pizza and we knew waiting on line that we probably were not getting pizza. We couldn’t even breathe by the time it was up to us and couldn’t get out what we were trying to say, “No pizza, or just out of pizza?” Aaron mentions that in that moment, it was probably the funniest situation of his life. I agree. Despite it being somewhat funny now, we really got such a kick out of it when we were drunk laughing out asses off. We were howling laughing, with our hands on our stomachs, slouched over, and trying to walk.
We get to Otto’s Shrunken Head, which is pretty cool. A punk tiki themed bar. They have a $3 PBR pint, that is sweet. We eventually grab a cab to the take 3:19. Miah gets lamb cart. Bolanos gets pizza. I’m starving, but I gotta get back into shape. Losing the weight, staying healthy, so I turn down getting drunk food. Man, that sucks.
On the train, we run into Brandon’s cousin and Ian, his friend. Brandon was supposed to take the train with us, but we’re not sure what he ended up doing.

Saturday 14 May 2011

Letter I Sent

Dear Village of Kensington,
I was recently pulled over by a Kensington police officer for running a stop sign and was fined. I am not attempting get out of a ticket, as I plan on paying for the fine. I do not plan on going to court because I work and do not have time to play a game of arguing my words against an officer’s. However, I would like to raise issues on the officer’s tactics.
When I was pulled over, he alerted me, to my surprise, that I had “blown through” two stop signs and was speeding in the town. I consider myself a safe driver and a law abiding citizen. I have never been pulled over in my life, never received a traffic ticket, nor have anything on my criminal history. To use a hyperbole such as “blown through” is unnecessary and allows him to set the situation as if I had blatantly not stopped at two Stop signs. I have never in my life ignored a Stop sign as he had suggested that day.
Secondly, I was shocked to hear that he said two Stop signs because he had pulled me over immediately after a single Stop sign. Without my knowledge, he had been following me for a block before pulling me over. I do not understand this. If he had seen me “blow through” a Stop sign, he should have immediately pulled me over. And in that situation, I would have argued that I did not in fact do so. However, he decided to follow me and pack on other offenses to help his case. When he initially spoke to me, he made it seem like I could receive three tickets at once, which could possibly revoke my license, despite it having no points and a clean record. In the end, he ticketed me for one Stop sign violation. However, the tactic that this officer utilized is insidious. Following a driver to find offenses so an officer could bolster his weak case and to threaten multiple tickets is a dirty ploy. I am shocked that the officer would do such a thing on a morning when I was simply trying to get to work. I work on Beverly Road and was twenty feet from my job before he had pulled me over.
This has caused me much pain and stress. I was unable to go to work the following day because of this event. I have been paranoid about driving and avoided driving as much as possible, despite needing to drive to work. It has caused me to completely doubt my ability drive, despite being a safe driver for many years.
As for another suggestion, when fines are mailed, they should have explicit payment instructions. I have received my fine in the mail and I am baffled by the letter. I would like to pay this immediately and get this over with because it has caused me much stress and restless nights. The faster I can pay this off, the faster can I attempt to return to my life. However, the letter is completely void of payment information. It only states the amount and due date. I have no clue if I am to pay by check or if I am to pay in person or to mail a check in.
In the end, I would like to compliment the officer for dealing with the matter in a quick and efficient manner. He did not attempt to get me to admit guilt in the situation by asking many questions. He asked for my license and registration and ticketed me and let me on my way, which I appreciate. But as a humble citizen, I only ask that the town of Kensington review how the police operate in hopes that no one else must go through this kind of ordeal.

Thursday 5 May 2011

Fucking Pigs

May 4, 2011
Random Erdem story:
I think this was when we were in college (or possibly senior year of high school) and home for vacation. Erdem decides to drag us along to some Turkish place out in Long Island. Out as in Suffolk out, shit's far. We pack up in his Ford Explorer, top down, ridin' out. We get there and skeeved out that it's basically a convenience store, not a restaurant, and don't get anything. I do remember grabbing a free Koran though.
Instead, we go to White Castle and order a shit load of food. Miah and I eat like fiends as Erdem drives back. The whole trip somehow took 2 hours or so despite not sitting down and eating anywhere. It was just motherfucking way out there on the Island.
Not sure if this is even a good story, I'm just in some White Castle mood.

May 5, 2011
I'm on my way to work and drive the way that I usually do. I'm literally 50 feet from my job and there's a bullshit Stop sign that is not even for an intersection, it's for a weird curve thing that the community has.
I'm usually really good about awareness of cars around me, even checking my rear view mirror for no reason, but I was a bit focused on remembering the lyrics to a song on the radio. I stop a bit "insufficiently" for the BS Stop sign and get pulled over. Great.
He tells me that I ran through two! Stop signs and was driving 38 in a 25. I had no idea what he was talking about when he said two Stop signs. He came out of nowhere, so he must've been stalking the Stop sign since the previous intersection. (Cops in Kensington are notoriously hiding at the worse place of an intersection, so that even if you stop a little short, you won’t notice until the cop notices and pulls you over for it before you can see him).
I would argue that the first Stop sign he said I “blew”by did not happen. Next two, I can't really argue. Then again, he did purposely follow me after the first stop sign to watch (possibly wait) for me to break more traffic laws. For the speeding, if he really wanted to be a stickler for that, I guess he could, but go find someone who isn't driving down super long residential roads at a reasonable speed instead of fucking 25 MPH. I tried driving that on the way home, I’d have cars honking behind me.
He ends up giving me a ticket for the first Stop sign. I'm not going to argue it because my case gets worse (though it does not actually have bearing on the actual ticket) if he shows up and says that he let me off for the latter offenses (which I actually feel are more legitimate). I wouldn't want the speeding one though because that is a worse offense than a Stop sign and he said he “let me off” of that one.
I don't know, it just sets me a shit mood because I’ve been recently taking a day off of the week from work, to relax and enjoy myself, but I realize that I should really be saving up money, so I'm back to five days a week. I'm also trying to spend less, which is basically on when I go out to the city, so I need to keep that in check. I have to mail in the ticket for them to punish me, so I don't actually know how much the ticket will be for, but it probably will be half a week/a whole week's paycheck? Great.
Just a silly community. They have their own cops that have to stalk Stop signs. I reasonably Stopped at one and he had to follow me to get more dirt on me that I won't argue my ticket. People are just trying to get to their jobs. Fucking pigs.

Monday 2 May 2011

Doin Thangs

April 26, 2011
I get home and have to nap as usual. I don’t get much done, though I do have to call the MTA on lost money for a MTA card. I get on the waitlist at St. John’s and I have to call NY Law. They extended my deadline for the deposit because I’m still waiting for how much financial aid they are giving me.
I’m even diligent and go to sleep at 12:00AM after reading some of The Game (I started it a few days ago. I’m mostly skimming thorugh the long story parts to get some good stuff out of it.), which is great, except the part where I wake up around 4:30AM and can’t fall asleep until 7AM. I basically get an hour nap before I have to go to work and I’m get up so ridiculously tired. It’s actually not that bad throughout the day at work, but I’m still not chipper enough that I can get away without the nap.
So the things on my plate. Laundry. I need to get my eyes checked because my prescription needs to be updated for me to order more contacts. I need to get my 1040 and send it to CUNY to finish financial aid. My other schools only need FAFSA, freaking annoying. I guess I plan on skimming through the rest of The Game. I have to do groceries because I cook for myself, everything. I try to get as much I can in one trip, which mostly lasts a few weeks to a month, depending on what it is. In the larger scheme of things, I need to plan out what we’re doing this weekend. Again, gotta make moves. Also, on Sunday, I plan on going to The Highline, which Ella Morton did for RocketBoom. It looks like an absolutely gorgeous site. Screw “vacations” when I should be spending my weekends in New York City, exploring every inch of it. I also need to gather groceries and recipes for Sunday as well. It’s my mom’s birthday on Sunday and I’m planning to cook dinner for the fam. It works out since I’ve been planning to cook for the family recently, do something nice for the fam, etc.

April 29, 2011
Bolanos has finals coming up, but Miah’s down for the city. We catch an early one, the 8:20 train, and in an attempt to save money, I bring a pregame bottle. Miah and I go to Double Down. We leave to meet up people in the LES. We get people to meet at Motor City, which actually turned out to be awesome. We got a big table in the back when Atron, a load of his friends, and Lydia come. We play some Never Have I Ever. Avi drives by, but texts me that he has to wake up for traffic court so can’t come in. Miah and I go scouting. We go through about three bars, actually more like Miah because I’m having a cig.
The group ends up going to the rodeo place that I once tried to meet Candace at, but the line was too long. The place isn’t too bad and has a free rodeo machine. There isn’t really a line because I guess people have to be brave to get on. Miah has a conversation with one of the guys that Aaron knows and he met some random chick on the street. Apparently, she’s drunk as shit and he’s proud that she’s so drunk. She goes to the bathroom and he jokes with Miah that she better come out instead of finding another dude. Man, I wish I had that conversation.
After that, we split up with a few people and go next block to Whiskey Ward. Miah and I decide to go back. However, the subway never comes and we decide to give up on the 3:19. We go to Sophies because the four are paired up and we’d be 5th and 6th wheeling. At Sophie’s, the bouncer that knows me introduces me to the two bartenders. I’m too drunk to remember their names though it is a huge plus. After going to certain bars over and over, knowing the people is a huge plus. Not in a selfish way of getting drinks, but in the sense of knowing a place and being on the “inside.”
We then take a walk to Artichoke and I engulf that without even tasting it. Then we cab up to catch the 5:19 with a good 30 minutes to spare as we wander around looking for a bathroom.

April 30, 2011
I go to sleep at 7:00 after some water and food. I don’t wake up until almost 5PM, which is actually fine for me. I have really bad sleep during the week, so recovering it on the weekend works out really well. However, last night was way too heavy. Back in the day, it would be a heavy night, but I’d be a human the next day. This time, done-so. I’m completely out of it until my nap at 7-8:00 until 10PM. By then, I finally recover. I need to set some rules for when I go out. 100%. Can’t lose weekends like this.

May 1, 2011
I go into the city as part of my “vacation” in New York. With my limited time left, I should use it well, like going somewhere. Where is better to go than the best city in the world?
My plan today is High Line Park and Chelsea Market. I go to the park (which is relatively small, but very very cool), check out the market, buy some Amy’s Bread, some balsamic vinegar as a gift for my mom’s birthday today, and a card for next week for Mother’s Day. I also grab some Thai, which works out because I realized I was craving it when I saw the restaurant.
I go home and my mom has people over. I bought groceries for a few people, but didn’t know they were already making food and that I wouldn’t have enough for everyone. I make broccoli rabe and heat up the fresh bread from Amy’s Bread with garlic, rosemary, and olive oil. I was planning to hand make pasta and stuff, but I’ll do that another night I guess.