Tuesday, 6 March 2012


February 17, 2012
It’s Stefan’s night off and I want to stay in this weekend to do work so I make today my night out. Aaron is doing work for school. I meet up with Scott and Stefan and Sarah at Sophie’s. I say Hi to Jen the bartender. Shauna’s not working tonight. I order a beer and Jen just taps the bar when I try to pay. I eventually slunk away because she’s getting other drinks after leaving a decent tip. Well I guess I learn something every day. A knock on the bar means a buy back.
Scott doesn’t have too much to say about Israel, but Stefan is convinced that he fucked all these girls and he’s just shouting it over and over. Scott’s honest though and keeps insisting that he didn’t. Plans are weird about meeting up with Candace, but Josh doesn’t end up making it. Tom meets us when we take a cab to Cornerstone Tavern uptown. Candace is there for karaoke. Stefan and Sarah leave pretty quickly.
It’s a pretty cool place, no one is upstairs really to sing karaoke. Enough people singing so that it’s not empty. Not so many so that you could get your songs in. I sing Love by Nat King Cole, a song that’s been stuck in my head all week. They also have a Yuengling liter glass of beer for $10. That’s a fucking ridiculous deal, especially when a pint or regular beer is $6.
It’s strange when we suddenly realize that we’re at America’s Got Talent. There’s this version of Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow’s Picture. The guy has a real serious deep country voice, professional level. He’s a way better singer than Kid Rock and I’m just blown away. The girl is also really good too. Then there’s also this another guy with another amazing voice. Bolanos and I are just confused as fuck. Why are the people so good here? Then there’s some drunk as people singing after that and we realize we actually live in the real world. Bolanos and I then do You Shook Me All Night Long by AC/DC. A real man’s song.
We then leave and I’m waiting outside for a cig while they run inside. I know that we got there fast and that it’ll be at least 30 minutes. I go get Taco Bell and then I see them under the sign and run towards the train. Bolanos splits from Tom and I. He texts me that he found a seat. I just could imagine how happy he was about that. “Yo sick, I found us a three seater.” Tom and I quickly realize that we’re on the wrong train, to Ronkonkama. I guess I should’ve thought about that, but I hear drinking messes with your thinking. Fuckin’ idiot Bolanos. It’s only 3:00. The train is at 3:19. We should’ve just waited, instead, we jumped on some random train going the way around direction. When Tom and I have this conversation, Bolanos texts me, “Man, this night is going to suck.” It’s hilarious seeing those two texts up against each other. The quick excitement of having a seat and then realizing that we have a real long night ahead of us.
We get off at Jamaica, which is an amazing station because it’s for JFK. More of New York should look like that station. Our shit is ugly. It feels like Europe, modern.
We eventually give up on the idea of taking the train back to Woodside. We just jump in a cab. It costs me $14 because we’re splitting it 3 ways. I guess it’s worth it considering I get home at 4:00 and I would’ve gotten home at 6:00 if we had done it the other way.
I end up staying up until 8:30AM chatting with Ela, who is sick as a dog. I was quite exhausted during it, but we’re just talking shit.

February 20, 2012
Alex is once and a while posting dumb things. He randomly posts a status update of someone from high school. I don’t even know why they are Facebook friends in the first place considering the animosity that Alex holds towards this guy. This is what I have to say about it.
“No, I won't. And I find it unfortunate that your life is so sad, miserable, and boring that you think you should have any opinion on a total stranger having a baby. Your attachment to an institution you began attending a decade ago is nonsense. Maybe I don't know the full story, but this is an individual who I presume you never even sat down to have a conversation with 10 years ago, let alone recently. If this is your idea of gossip, it is childish and down right despicable.

All I have to say about it is, Mazel Tov. I hope this person enjoys bringing a new life to this world and I send blessings for the arduous journey of rearing a child.”
“Jeremiah, I'm glad you can make judgments about someone you haven't even dealt with for over 5 years (or even at all in school). If that's your perception on humanity that people can't change in that amount of time, then so be it, but you must have a horrible bleak view of human beings.

Alex, all I hear is these stories about people being "twats" or something to you. Sorry to alert you, but we were nobodies in our school. I highly doubt that people treated you that differently than they did me. I have no recollection of these horror stories you have. We're lucky we didn't go to a school where people were bullied.
Pick up the little scraps of your dignity and stand up. Don't be an insect needs to bolster his own ego by making fun of the birth of a child. That is all I ask.”
“Jeremiah, I'm glad you can make judgments about someone you haven't even dealt with for over 5 years (or even at all in school). If that's your perception on humanity that people can't change in that amount of time, then so be it, but you must have a horrible bleak view of human beings.

Alex, all I hear is these stories about people being "twats" or something to you. Sorry to alert you, but we were nobodies in our school. I highly doubt that people treated you that differently than they did me. I have no recollection of these horror stories you have. We're lucky we didn't go to a school where people were bullied.
Pick up the little scraps of your dignity and stand up. Don't be an insect needs to bolster his own ego by making fun of the birth of a child. That is all I ask.”
“It's horribly pointless. I'm confused to why you have nothing to better to do. However, my biggest issue is how you are able to decide who is fit or unfit to have a child.
I'm not being pretentious here. I'm trying to be respectful. You're the pretentious one thinking you have the authority to decide this matter. I'm sure at the age of 23, he has better things to do than badger people for giving birth to a child. So you tell me, who really is the unfit parent here?”

Jon eventually joins my point. He agrees, it’s absolutely pointless. Why care about someone who might as well he an absolute stranger to you and judge their life decisions?

February 28, 2012
I’m in class and the professor asks why another student’s answer is better. The student answers, “Uh… Well it’s basically the same thing.” The balls on this guy…
If there’s someone that’s going to turn out to be a douchebag, lawyer, it’s going to be this kid. I could imagine that he would be in court and he would sass the judge, despite the fact that he might have been wrong.

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